Saturday, January 7, 2017

Cameron is running for FBLA state president. He had to give a speech and attend an interview today. He looked like a presidential candidate to me! He said the speech went well and that he feels like he did a pretty decent job during the interview process. He also said there are 3 presidential candidates. I am proud of his motivation and ability to comfortably talk to people and give speeches. I believe his skills will take him far in life.

We hadn't been grocery shopping since before the holidays. We were far from not having dinner, but we have been making weird back if the cabinet food. Today I said I was out of creativity and so Jim and I ran grocery shopping. I also had to get a baby shower gift or I might have been tempted to put off the grocery shopping another day!
We picked the right day to go! Dillons had some awesome stuff in sale and some appliances on mega clearance. We scored! We got an air pop popcorn machine for $6.50! Of course, we then had to buy popcorn and try it out! Preston was happier about this purchase than I ever imagined a kid would be!

And true to my kids style, Colin and Preston made a ton of popcorn, and had a popcorn eating contest. It was hilarious when Colin easily beat him, and then Preston looked over and said " never said we could have a drink with it!" Classy boys I have!

This evening, Quincy and I bathed a chicken in epsoms salt, cleaned her with iodine and performed surgery on her feet. She had frost bite abscesses. She is recovering from her surgery in our living room, and I am hoping she can be transferred to the garage before the weekend is over. You really can learn anything on the internet! My real hope is that she lives. The chicken websites all agreed that without intervention, she would die. With intervention she had a 50/50 chance. We shall see. She seems perkier this evening and is drinking some water when offered. I took this as a good sign.

In addition to the popcorn machine, we also got a $7.25 fry daddy! This was a deal we just couldn't walk away from. Preston and Madison made fried chicken and French fries. Preston declared he didn't know how we have been living life without this amazing kitchen tool. It has been a good Saturday!

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