Sunday, August 27, 2017

Fun weekend

Marvin the peachick let us know he was not at all interested in a solitary lifestyle. I was worried that the bigger chicks might kill him. They didn't seem to, but it seemed like a bad risk.

We got Preston's ball pictures. I think they turned out great!!

The girls had a birthday party where they had an amazing time at the Carbondale pool. This lead into a long discussion of how sad it is that summer is over. That lead directly into wanting time for fishing. I took the kids to the city lake after church. They were disappointed that they did not catch anything, but it is always fun to try!

Today we ran to chick days (good timing) and picked up a few cornish cross chicks to keep Marvin company. He seems happier, although still prefers to be carried around by Quincy!

We will just take these babies to the processing plant with the turkeys in October. Should time out perfectly!

Saige has claimed one for herself! She is calling him "Spider!"

The city had a popcorn machine donated. It has been in storage for a while and needed to be cleaned and tested out. Jim had a pretty good crew of people willing to help with a project that involved cooking snacks!

It worked! Even the cats thought the popcorn was delicious. The only problem was that the girls were disappointed that they can't keep it! They had grand plans that included a popcorn machine in the basement. Sorry girls!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Blue/white scrimmage

Preston and Cameron's teams both played in the blue/white exhibition scrimmage last night. I marked a little on the photos because I was trying to keep them straight! Preston is #86 and played on the white team last night. He had a great time!

Cameron also played on the white team. He is #46. He also had fun!

After the game, the FBLA had a welcome back dance. Cameron had to find a chaperone. I was an easy target! I actually like the kids, but when I realized that I was talking to the new chemistry teacher rather than a student, I felt really old!

Quincy had one peafowl egg hatch. She is holding out hope that the others are just late bloomers.

In the meantime, meet Marvin. He is adorable and sweet!

We are in love with him!

Kindergarten is exhausting!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Love this

Yesterday's bus fiasco meant that our kids would be late to their first day - so Jim decided he would take them himself. Cameron took Saige though. He walked her in and one of my friends who works at the school snapped this photo. I love this. I love how my kids take care of each other! Its good to have a big brother!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

First day 2017

The first day of school was today. Cameron started his senior year!

Harper started 2nd grade with Ms. Sherlock.

Saige is in kindergarten with Ms. Crumpton.

Quincy is a 6th grader with Mrs. Dahl.

Preston started 7th grade- junior high!

Colin was supposed to start classes yesterday at KSU, but they cancelled class due to the eclipse so he started his sophomore year today!

The shirt. I remembered. Unfortunately, i cannot find the shirt grandma made for Saige. Hoping to find it very soon!

I took a regular bus route this year. I was excited, as this is a route I subbed on multiple times last year. Its a fairly easy route with pretty well behaved kids on it. My plans for easiness went out the window when we literally got 7 inches of rain last night. A little first day fiasco.

Honestly, all the roads were terrible. Not just the ones that were flooded. I kind of feel like a day off might have been warranted.

Thank you to my brother and dad who brought a tractor over at the literal crack of dawn and drug my bus put of the mud!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Last day of summer (eclipse day)

The eclipse day happened to fall on the kid's last day of summer break. The high school hosted a watch party with activities and demonstations for the kids.

It was sort of cloudy, but every now and then the clouds would break up and we could see! It was pretty neat.

Thanks to Aunt Pam for our viewing glasses!

After the eclipse, we dropped Preston off so he could go to football practice and we headed to the lake.

These girls love the water!

Quincy is less than excited about the end of freedom! It was a fun summer!