Monday, August 7, 2017

Junk we've been doing

We have been weighing our options for fall breeding. We have been very blessed to have had help from some fellow 4-H families, however there comes a time when you have to take a risk and try new things. After a lot of searching, discussions, and debating on the right option, we found this sweet boy. I will admit I didn't look at him for very long before I was in love with his beauty! He's a 7/8 month old boer billy who we have named Cleveland Brown. We got to witness him in action yesterday, and are confident he will do exactly the job we bought him for!

We still have Lance, but he is just not quite ready yet. This fellow is going to fill in just fine!

The weather has turned cool which has put a dent in our swimming! The girls had fun trying on their friend's mermaid tail!
Cameron sported his speedo while representing the umpires in the umpire verses lifeguard olympics! I heard a lot about the speedo, but nothing on who won this very important competition!

What happens when you "have" to go to the pool, but it is only 75 degrees? You sit on the side and watch your crazier sister!

1 comment:

  1. WE have finally had the chance to stop and take a deep breathe after a really crazy summer! Enjoyed catching up on your family and adventures! One of these days, we are going to get together when I get back to eastern Kansas!
