Thursday, September 19, 2019

small things

Whenever I have a big event or activity coming up, I find myself consumed with it, and it makes the time feel like it is creeping by.  I have been consumed lately with wedding details.  I am not having any major anxiety or stress, but my mind wanders to things that may or may not be actual details that need taken care of.  I am anxious to see my daughter in the dress she picked out.  I am anxious to see if we have purchased enough beer (is there ever enough beer?).  I am wondering if I should make another run to Sam's club for more snacks.  You know, the normal week of the wedding thoughts.  I have been trying hard to not wish the time away.  This year I made a goal for myself to try to be more present in the small stuff.  It was a good goal for me, and I have had to continually remind myself to slow down and enjoy things more.  It is probably more of a life long goal than a one year type of thing.  
Jim has been doing a little branch trimming around the house.  He asked us if we could come out and help him pile the branches up to burn.  The kids and I were picking up branches and piling them up when Preston found this snake skin in our down spout.  It is more than 5 feet long!  I hope the snake that left it behind was not one that rattles!  

In the afternoons when we all get home, Frankie likes to come out of his cage and sit with us for a while.  He is still kind of cranky, and definitely opinionated on who gets to play with him, but I sure do enjoy him!  He is a funny critter!

Last night was the first night for the new year of RE.  Harper, Saige and I went over.  I am teaching a combined 3/4 grade class this year.  Harper is in my class, and was actually happy about it.  She said she had fun in my class last year.  This year is dedicated to the rosary, and we had the kids all make prayer rosaries.  Sometimes what was a good idea when you talk about it, and actually doing it are miles apart.  We did manage to get the project done and all of the kids made one!  The kids will be learning all of the mysteries during their group time.  I think this will be good once we get going!  

When RE was over, I drove the girls by where they are tearing down the old St. Patrick's church.  It was incredibly sad.  The church where half our kids were baptized, all of them except Saige made their First Communions, hundreds of hours of classes, prayers, funerals for loved ones, many memories.  Mallory made the comment she always thought she would get married in that church.  I was sort of caught up in the sadness, when Saige asked why there was a big hole in the ground.  I told her that was where the basement was.  She said "wait....when I was in the basement, I was under the ground?" in the most horrified voice.  Sadness no more, I had to giggle at her.  I love how kids can change the subject so rapidly and change the mood in the process!  

First night means a trip to the playground too!  (And snacks from Casey's- but that is beside the point!).  

I am happy that I got to have a little time with my littles.  They are fun little people.
I am also on record with saying I will never be a wedding planner, and that I enjoy my current jobs a lot!  I am happy where I was planted.  :)  

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