Tuesday, February 20, 2024

A new week

The kids (and Jim) had a 3 day weekend.  We had a lot of opportunities to relax, and accomplished some things too.  I finally got my kitchen grout replaced, Jim trimmed some trees, one of which was a danger to our eyes and heads when doing chores in the dark (and I appreciate him saving my vision since my hearing is definitely not up to snuff).  I worked at the liquor store on Saturday, and at my office yesterday, but the girls and Jim got the house picked up and Jim took care of helping Preston with updating his financial aide application - a job that I loathe.  Sadly, Jim is going to be needing to help Quincy as well, although he seems to excel at this activity, and never seems to mind when I dump it off on him.  The kids appreciate it too, because when mom helps, you get verification notices.  Seriously, know your strengths and weaknesses folks! 

I did not get to see any of my boys this weekend, but I did hear from all three of them.  Colin was home for a bit last week, he came down to help his friend who is a wrestling coach prepare his team for regionals.  I know he loves doing that sort of stuff, and I was glad that I got to see him for a little while when he was in the area.  He is always full of entertaining stories, some of which make me laugh and some that make me question his sense of fear and safety.  He has always been this way, even as a small child, there was just nothing he wouldn't try.  It is a good way to be, but doesn't really make me feel better about things!  Thank God Spencer seems to keep him thinking about if things are safe or not.  Preston sent me this cute photo of himself and a girl he is seeing.  We haven't met her yet, but he seems a bit smitten.  Trip to Manhattan coming soon!  

I guess Lauren won the battle of the haircuts.  Honesty, with job hunting and interviews coming up, this is most likely for the best!  I am a little concerned about his study habits though - plastic cigar and fun dip doesn't exactly seem to be all that scholarly?

Last week, I mentioned that the chickens got out, and in the process of getting them back in, we loaded up all the roosters and got them to their new home.  Now, I am getting eggs again!  I am pretty sure those jerks were eating my eggs!  The chickens I ended up getting last spring were "barnyard mix" and one of them must be at least part Easter egger - she lays olive colored eggs.  I think they are pretty, but Jim was not sure about the appeal of a green egg!  Is this the true green egg to go with the ham?  Maybe!

We enjoyed Sunday dinner with all the girls.  Wrenley and Evie stayed with us while Andrew took Madison out to practice parallel parking a bus!  I hope the practice helped, but I really did enjoy getting to hang with these girlies.  Wrenley is all about eating solid food now, and is, as always, excessively happy!  

And someone helped me out by getting ahold of my phone....pretty sure there was an aunt involved here somewhere, but I am not clear which one!  

Saige spent the night with her friend.  In the midst of being gone, she texted to check on Marge.  Not sure what her infatuation is with this weird cat, but I jokingly texted back "oh sorry, we lost her."  Mistake....huge mistake.  I then had to text photos to insure that we did in fact, not lose the house cat, who never goes outdoors, and who, although has never really gotten overly friendly, does come running if she hears the refrigerator open, or any plastic wrappers rattle.  THE CAT IS FINE!  

School spring photos....why are my beautiful girls both looking like they just crawled off the set of the Addam's Family?  Seriously, would it kill them to smile?  Or to at least look like they are not being lead to their doom?  I am tempted to buy them and hang them in the living room just to see if they would try harder next year to look a little bit happy?  I tell them all the time, I will document your childhood with or without your cooperation.  Sorry girls, next time try looking friendlier!  

Like Wrenley here, see how friendly and happy she looks?  Way to be a good example baby girl!

This weekend I also got this blog all fixed, I think!  It was a definite labor of love, and one I hope we do not have to repeat, ever!  I guess, that being said, if you run across any posts that are missing photos, or loading weird, let me know!  Although time consuming, and a bit frustrating, I did manage to restore almost all of the original photos, and I did enjoy having a reason to go back through all of the stuff we have been up to!  All the posts since before Covid, before Wrenley and Evie were a part of the family, before we had more than half the kids living outside of our house, and at the time when everyone was playing all the sports, and I was insane trying to keep up with everything!  Ok, let's be honest, I am still insane, but not quite as busy, still running, but smaller circles!  I do love photos, so I guess if I am forced into a project, that one was at least moderately enjoyable!

This week, we will be trying hard to catch up after the insanity of the last couple of weeks.  Ready or not, here we go!  

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