Sunday, February 25, 2024

Circus weekend


Back in the day, Jim's grandfather Ray always gave the kids tickets to the Shrine Circus.  Jim and I have tried to continue this tradition, in his memory, when we have the chance (there have been some years where we were involved with wrestling and basketball and could not make it happen).  Today, I realized that grandpa Ray was a little bit smarter than we are.  He always gave the kids the tickets, but he never actually took the kids to the circus.  I think he was on to something there - here are the tickets mom and dad- you take your kids!  Kidding.  only kidding....
I actually really love the circus.  I know over time, they have become sort of controversial, with questions about animal cruelty, and of course it has been a target of everyone's least favorite church group in Topeka, but I still love it.  The daredevil freak show appeals to me.  Would I do that stuff?  Heck no!  Am I worried about other people falling to their deaths?  Also no.  You want to throw yourself in a cannon and shoot it across an arena?  I'll clap for you! 

One thing about the circus that I dislike, and yes, I know it is a fundraiser for the Shrine, but they could take a small break from trying to sell me stuff at some point in the time we are there.  The part where they pulled out a pony dressed as a unicorn and charged money to take a picture with YOUR camera, I was sort thinking they went a bit too far!  Weirdly, the line for that was long!  I told Evie we could paint a rainbow on poor old Coco and take her photo!  :) 

I do want to teach our dogs to jump rope now however.  
And who doesn't love to watch elephants parade around and do tricks?  Plus, there was cotton candy.  How could you have a bad time with all that?

We got done in time to have Sunday dinner.  Madison seems to be getting around better today, which is a relief.  Wrenley was her happy self!  I was watching Andrew feed her off of his plate and was laughing when it was time to have strawberry shortcake.  He gave her some cool whip....her little eye brows went up and she about flipped herself over to get another bite of that amazingness!  She is the cutest thing with such a huge personality!

It was a good weekend.  I am feeling relaxed, and we actually accomplished some things too.  On to new adventures.

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