Saturday, February 17, 2024

And I worried about last week...

Last week, I pointed out that the kids had not had a full week of school since before the holiday break.  I said I felt it would be long.  I was right.  However, it was nothing compared to this week.  This week was long.  And kind of kicked me in the pants.  The "holiday" thrown in the middle made the kids a little wacky on the bus, the meeting week for Jim, and trying to get everything lined up at work for a large upcoming project was more than a bit overwhelming.  I generally don't mind driving the bus, but this week was over the top in the rotten behavior department.  I did some write up sheets, something I honestly rarely do.  That resulted in the suspension of one child, but he was not the one who I felt was actually causing the problems.  The troublemaker got a warning.  The write up seemed to give him a worse attitude, and ended up with me getting him transferred onto a different shuttle away from his stepbrother, and the kids who were helping him brutalize the kid.  People say all the time they don't know what is wrong in the world.  I can tell you.  I am 100% certain it is lack of discipline, lack of adults who are willing to stand up to children, lack of adults with common sense running the show, and people who have forgotten that in order to raise a child, you must teach them respect, honesty and integrity.  Until you force parents to be accountable for their children, it won't get better.  Does that make me 'old and grouchy' - probably, but it is the truth.  And for the record, I do not believe that to raise these children you should be abusive to them, I believe that respect can be accomplished through logical consequences and discussing the behavior.  But you can't be afraid to have consequences.

Anyway, we made it to the weekend.  For me the weekend looks like a shift at the liquor store while Jim and the girls tackle the home to do list.  The good news is that they all have Monday off.  I don't, but it will give them more time to tackle the list!  :)  
Yesterday, Madison took the driving portion of her CDL test.  She passed the pre-trip inspection portion, which is the thing that usually trips people up (including me who had to take that portion 2 times).  She then went on to the parking, backing, and bus skills portion and she failed at parallel parking.  Here is a secret - I never was asked to parallel park a bus during my driving test, and if I was in a situation where I had to parallel park a bus, I would be screwed.  Could I do it?  Probably, however I guarantee it would not be straight, it would not be perfectly put in between some cones with equal spacing, and if I was being honest, I would probably drive 2 or 3 miles around looking for a place I did not have to parallel park and just throw the bus there instead!  I realize that if I drove in a district in town, it might be a skill I would need, however, out here, there is generally a large parking lot or empty field I can throw ol'' Bessy in!  She will practice this weekend, and she can retake the test next week.  I have been told that NOBODY passes the CDL driving test the first time....and I believe that is true.  She did get the hardest part accomplished, and will not have to take that again, so that should make next time easier! I am proud of her for not being afraid to go after something hard.  I am also not sad she failed, as it will mean I get another chance to play with the girls!  I had a great time yesterday, getting in baby snuggles and watching how great Evie is with her little sister.  They are just amazing girls and we are so lucky to have them close by!


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