Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Valentines/ash day


Well today is Valentine's Day.  And Ash Wednesday.  And Jim's city council day.  And payroll day at my office.  And party/insanity day at the school.  And....and....and....
Seriously could we think up some more stuff to cram onto this day?  
Valentine's Day is a holiday I simply do not understand.  Who decided a holiday for lovers should be in the midst of cold and flu season?  Seriously, all the kids on earth are packing - germs that is.  And have you ever really read the story of St. Valentine?  Hardly what I would call a love story.  Anyway, maybe I have been hanging with Mr. Unromance for too long?  
Evelyn said it is a day for chocolate and cookies.  Ok that is more reasonable than romance and love right?  Given the season I mean.  
Evie was in fine form today.  Valentine's day high.  My daughter, God love her, told the girls that "cupid" comes to visit on Valentine's Day.  Really Madison?  Because Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy weren't enough? Evelyn was bouncing off the walls of my office.  We took Valentine's treats up to the people in Poppy's office.  She got a cookie at the "green bank" and candy and a tattoo at the "red bank" and the woman at the insurance office next door had special treats for her.  Added to the police chief giving her a notebook, GG and Aunt Amy giving her candy,  and it looked pretty much like Halloween at office today. She hadn't even been to school, or gotten the stuff that Poppy and I got for her yet!  Insanity!

I have to add in - she was eating lunch and very sadly said "grammy....I got along ok yesterday without my crutches, but it was hard."  I was like What????  She comes over with my map holding sticks and was pretty insistent that she had a broken leg and needed to take her "crutches" to school.  UMMMM I am not that gullible child.  Negative on taking sticks on the bus.  She was sad, about it, and as we were walking over to catch the bus, she was 'limping' and telling me ohhch ouch that really hurts.  She is a complete hot mess.  Luckily for her, I love hot messes!  

My Valentine.  Is he romantic?  Negative.  Is he a person who remembers holidays?  Negative.  Is he going to shower anyone with flowers and gifts?  Also negative.  But, he is always in my corner.  He always supports my dreams.  He always jumps behind whatever the kids want to try, learns the rules, and supports them.  He always tries to do things the right way, and expects others to do the same.  And he is faithful, kind and like it or not, he is stuck with me.  Love you boy.

Got this hilarious photo from Cameron - with the caption MOM HELP!  Lauren is trying to cut off my hair.  Lauren said she is over his luxurious locks.  haha!  A bet is a bet, he said he would not cut it until graduation.  Hold on a few more weeks Lauren, I will help you hold him down after May 18th! 

Mallory also made me laugh - she said she was pretty sure a student stole some flowers for her out of his mom's bouquet.  
Now we must run the bus route and attend mass for Ash Wednesday.  Maybe later, we can relax with a nice big piece of chocolate.  Maybe.  Or not.  

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