Friday, February 9, 2024

Happy birthday girls (late)

 Well, we celebrated the girls' birthday a little early, and I am making their birthday post a little late.  So it all balances out right?  

Madison and Mallory turned 28 yesterday.  That is a number I am just not really able to wrap my mind around.  Man those years have flown by in a big dang ol hurry!  I am so proud of these ladies!  Madison is such a good mom, and I love watching her with her girls.  Mallory is a rock star teacher - and loves what she does.  They both seem to be living happy lives, which is all a mom ever really wants right?  For their kids to be successful and happy - they are killin it!  Love you both so much!  
I know being twins, you often have to share things like birthdays, and we tend to lump you together as one.  I know you are not one and the same, and since you were born it has often amused me that my "twins" couldn't be more different.  Mallory is quiet, has a huge desire to be proper, desires organization and order, likes sappy movies, reading and being a dog mom.   Madison never stops talking, is loud, cannot sit still, loves to tell people personal inappropriate stories and then wonders why Evie says things that she should have no knowledge of, and since she was a very small child has the details of everything going on in the tri state area.  It is hilarious when you think about it.  

Evie enjoyed spirit week this week, but was especially beautiful on "dress for success" day!  My little princess!  
What I said about the longevity problems this week?  Yea, I was correct!  This is the first 5 day week the kids have had in school since before the holidays.  Added to it that the school is having winter royalty tonight, so they are doing spirit week, with theme days, and the kids have been over the top bonkers.  First rate insane.  I had a kid get on the bus today with an entire plate of bbq meatballs.  It was his breakfast.  I let him have it, but I did tell him if I see one speck of bbq sauce, I am going to come to your house and you can clean the entire bus this weekend.  He didn't make a mess, but I did notice that he threw the plate and the fork (the metal fork) in the trash can on my bus....that is not going to smell good when I get off work!  I also had a kid who was absolutely verbally brutalizing his brother this morning.  When I called him on it, he told me that if he is only picking on his brother, it doesn't count as a bus rule problem and that I needed to chill.  Uhhhhh sure, do whatever.  I had a smart kid with a clip that he was calling a carabiner.  I had a girl who was absolutely convinced he was using a racial slur.  Thankful for the internet!  He was right...we had a little vocabulary lesson....but I did have to laugh at another boy telling the smart boy "all of this could have been avoided if you had just called it a clip, like everyone else!"  And this doesn't even scratch the surface of the insanity.  I am done for the week, and absolutely mentally exhausted and ready for the weekend!  

Definitely not the best photo, but I was called by the blood donor center asking if I could please donate again, because they were at critical levels.  I agreed, and made an appointment for last night.  Jim decided he would ride along with me, and then we could do a couple of errands and get snacks for the Super Bowl.  By the time we arrived at my appointment, he decided that he would also be a blood donor.  This is the back of his head as he was donating.  It truly is not a big deal at all, they make it very easy.  Last time, they sent me a card in the mail, so this time all my stuff was already recorded and they just had to check my blood pressure and hemoglobin.  It was easy peasy and didn't take long at all.  
The world is sort of an ugly place at times, I follow politics too closely and get myself worked up about it, particularly when I see so many things that need actual change and the people elected are not doing their jobs.  I was reminded again that the world we live in can be made better by good people not standing around doing nothing.  Donate blood, donate money to good causes, do random acts of kindness, talk to strangers, open a door for someone, pay ahead for a coffee, take a minute to listen, take a minute to be concerned for the struggles of other people, even if it isn't your struggle.  It really isn't that hard to be a little better.  To do a little better.  Ok rant over.  Back to regularly scheduled programming.  Wait....what is regular?  :)  

I am so fortunate that I have the best people!

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