Monday, April 22, 2024

Getting warmer


We had a good weekend.  Accomplished a lot, laughed a little, relaxed a bit, got sort of caught up, and had a little time to think of things that were not work and school related.  It would have been Quincy's senior prom weekend, but she did not want to go.  She covered for people at her job instead.  I might have been sad about it, except I was recalling last year, when prom started at 8:00 pm and she texted me at 8:08 and reported she was going to the movies because prom is verrrrryyyy boring.  I would much rather she just skipped it than to waste all the time, energy, money and effort to only stay there for 8 minutes.  
Cameron got a speeding ticket in the mail.  I spent a bunch of time staging photos of the ticket with people, animals and various other things and sending him  photos of the poses.  He was not amused about it!  I still had a good laugh.

Cameron and Lauren are a couple of weeks away from graduating with their master's degrees.  Quincy is a couple weeks away from graduating from high school.  Harper is a couple of weeks away from graduating from junior high.  Which means I am a couple of weeks away from going on vacation, and being released from bus duty and entering into my favorite thing - summer break!  Yea for summer break!
I am excited for all of these changes that are coming, but a bit sad about it as well.  Cameron and Lauren moving back makes me happy.  Lauren landing a dream job is amazing.  Them finishing their master's degrees in 2 years flat makes me so proud.  Them being old enough for life outside of college is a strange thought.  Thinking about Quincy graduating and moving out makes me sad.  For so many years, Quincy has been my go to kid when things were messy and gross and needed a good cleaning.  The girl is literally not grossed out by anything!  She is the kid who is amazingly strong and can make easy work of a lot of stuff that we have to do....things like barn cleaning and hay moving, feed unloading are nothing for her.  I am just never ready for my kids to be moving out.  It never gets easier.  Harper going to high school feels unreal to me.  I swear to you, she is 6 years old.  And don't even get me started on my baby going into junior high!  Or on Evie starting kindergarten! Time needs to slow the heck down!  Still, when I look at the things my big kids are accomplishing, and how far they have come in their short adulthoods, I am so proud and excited to see how things continue to progress.  Life is just in a season of continual weird for me.  Happy/sad/proud/missing people....I guess it goes with the territory. 

I know these are snapshots of photos that they had done, and the good copies will be available soon, but I just love them.  :)  I can never wait to share pictures when I get a chance!

Evelyn started softball practices yesterday.  Wrenley wore her cute sun hat!  When it was over, they came for Sunday dinner.  All that sunshine must have made them hungry!  I was happy to see them all!  I am afraid my time will be limited for hanging out with them this week! 

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