Monday, April 1, 2024

Critter pics


Before the storms blew up today, it was so nice outside!  I was out feeding Betty at the barn and checking the babies, and I couldn't resist taking a few critter pics!  The "brown egg layer assortment" really is an assortment!  They are getting big, growing feathers, and happy about the pen expansion that I did on Friday.  They are trying to fly already!  I am not one who cares much for having a certain breed of chicken, but I really love the little speckled baby!  I do not profess to know what breed she is, but she reminds me of a baby deer - so I call her Fawn.  Incidentally, she is the only one with a name in this group, because the rest of them all have a match and I can't tell them apart. Our older group of birds only have 4 hens left.  One is brown, one is black, one is white, and one is a speckled bird.  Easy to tell apart.  Also, each one of them lays one egg a day, and they are 4 different shades of brown or green.  I do not know who lays which egg, but my bowl of eggs in the refrigerator is very pretty! 

And yes, I am that person who walks down to make sure they have food and water, and then just stands there watching them.  They are entertaining to me!  I love to throw stuff in with the hens and watch them go crazy eating it!  Chickens are weird, and they literally eat anything and everything!  I throw all our veggie scraps to them, if I catch a bug, in it goes, they love grubs, and leftover pasta.  I have seen them eat small rodents, snakes, and anything else they can get their beaks into!  
My quail experiment was a huge fiasco, as they escaped one by one and I could not tell how.  I do hear them calling in the trees in the evenings especially, so I assume they are not dead, only living free.  I guess I will stick with chickens, they are a little more robust and unable to escape my pens!

Coco was not amused with my lack of treats when I was out there today.  He was stomping his foot at me.  I love him, even if he is an angry troll who needs to learn manners! 

My baby!  Mr. Mackey - still thinks I should be showing up with a bottle for him - when I go to feed Betty he stands there and screams at me!  He may not get a bottle anymore, but he still gets some attention!  He is a good boy!  

Betty is getting big!  She is mostly at the barn because her new favorite thing is springing and boinging around the living room on my furniture!  She is a bad girl!  We have a pen she can stay in during the day, it has shelter and some obstacles to keep her busy, however I feel bad at night.  Baby goats usually have a sibling to sleep with, for comfort and warmth, or a momma goat to snuggle up to.  She has nobody.  The 4-H kids don't like her and they bully her, and we have not tried to put her in with the old goats - but I would guess it would not go well for her in there!  So we are acclimating her slowly, but we are too soft hearted around here to leave her down at the barn at night!  She comes in, drinks her milk and sleeps in a dog kennel that she is quickly approaching not being able to fit into!  I am hoping the nights start being warmer so she can permanently be outside!  She does surprisingly well at pottying outside which is good considering!  

Not critters, but cute photos that need to be saved!  Evie is running out of days to hang out with me at my office.  She is so ready for kindergarten, but I am so not ready!  I will miss the daily walk to the bus where she has to tell me stories, or show me how to make wishes on dandelions, or tell me I am a slowpoke (ahem child).  I truly believe the entire working world downtown is going to be a little lost without her.  She knows EVERYONE!  Today, as we were walking by the insurance office, she tells me - oh yea, Katie went to Missouri to see her family for Easter, so she can't give me my morning candy today!  What?  How do you know that?  Apparently, her and Katie talk more than I thought!  Later in the morning, we went to the bank.  The bank teller, whose name is LaVon, but who Evelyn calls DaVon, told Evie she is her favorite person who comes in the bank.  Last week, I saw LaVon's grandkids in the bank.  I pointed it out, and she told me they are her favorite grandkids, not her favorite bank person.   Ok then- I am still not mentioning it to them!  
Saige sent me this photo - I don't know what they are drinking, but from the looks of things, perhaps we should cut them off!  :)  


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