Wednesday, March 26, 2025

League band for Saige and Clayton


Santa Fe was the host for league band this year.  League band is pretty cool.  They get together with all the other bands in the league - they work together on several pieces (that the band directors have selected before hand and started working on).  Then they come together and perform a concert.  There were 290 kids who performed together yesterday.  Since Jim is in Wichita for a water conference this week, I did some video, but in order to save them here, they have to be short clips.  They did a cute piece called "Clarinets pack up early" where after each verse, the clarinet players took off part of their instrument and put it in their case, by the end they were just playing their mouth pieces - it was so cute!  Saige is hard to see after they combined the bands - but if you squint you can probably find her!  
They had a guest band director, who was a petty cool guy and seemed to really get the kids motivated to play together.  It was impressive to get this number of kids to come together and sound so good after only one afternoon!  Once again, I am blown away by our band program.  I am thankful to our district for continually keeping the program alive, and to our directors, Mr. Quilling and Mrs. Rice for making band so successful here.  It makes the nerd in me smile!

I attempted a panoramic photo to get an image of how many kids were playing.  My photographic skills are lacking, but you get the picture.  I also took some photos of my nephew, Clayton, but since he plays trombone, and was in the back, it was sort of hard.  My cousin's kids Jaden and Lily also played last night.  It was a fun night.  

When we got finished with the band concert, I came home to find Mallory running Maude for me.  Literally running her around the yard.  Playing fetch and chasing her.  She was a tired girl!  Which was good, because Mallory has to serve breakfast to the Kansas Teachers of the year this week.  I volunteered to make breakfast burritos for them.  I then decided I would make burritos for the entire staff at her school.  That meant 50 burritos - and then I found out that they are actually doing breakfast in Scranton, so I decided to make breakfast for that building as well, so make that 75 breakfast burritos!  Now, I have eggs coming out my ears, so this was not as expensive as it sounds, however, Preston was home over the weekend and he loves eggs so I sent some back with him.  Let's just say we are waiting to gather today's eggs to finish this project.  I believe we need to make about 15 or 20 more.  We are about finished though!  With Mallory's help, I even had the kitchen cleaned up and sat down to watch the 10 pm news!  
I love cooking and feeding people.  I am happy to help out, but that being said....when I volunteered to doing this little breakfast project, I did not realize this was the week Jim is out of town.  I did not realize how many other things we had going on either.  This week is insane!  Oh well, no rest for the wicked I am told.  
Saige and I did take 30 seconds on our way home to take photos of the sunset.  I love how the smoke hanging over the horizon traps the colors of the setting sun.  One of my blade men was in my office this morning.  They had been out fighting those fires as one got out of control, and he was telling me he came very close to not being ok today.  I am thankful for the people who volunteer on our fire department, and will hope and pray for their safety -especially during the burn season.  

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