This has been a truly crazy day. Remember when I said these babies were born on a perfect spring day? No wind? Well holy crap today we had wind! 70-80 mph gusts. Wildfires from pasture burns that probably got stoked back up, dust storms. It was just crazy! Driving the bus in the wind is like driving a giant kite. I was happy to get off the highway onto the back roads tonight! Thankfully, the wind was from the south, so at least it wasn’t super cold! Jim and I went down to check the kids tonight before we took a walk. . They are doing good. It is hard for me to leave the barn. I want them to like me! I want them to come running when they see me the way their momma does! Right now they are not interested in me at all! That has to change! I say this, but then the other side of the fence has Betty and Chiz screaming for attention. And trying to escape so they can come into the house! Maybe that is why I like owning goats so much- they make me feel so popular.
Spring break officially started at 3:30 pm today. This old photo of another spring break from the past popped up. My boys used to love catching snakes. We had a yard full of garter snakes when we lived in town. Once we moved, I had to put a stop to their snake handling - as the snakes out here rattle and/or are copper colored sometimes. Truly though, I don’t see as many snakes out here as I did in that town yard. We had hundreds of small harmless snakes. Have I mentioned lately that I miss the kids being younger? I miss the chaos. The critters they used to drag in to show me. The boys “saving” the neighbors by doing snake relocation service. Jim being the meter reader and having our boys plus a half dozen more wanting to tag along to help him clean the pits out. And then dragging the things home for me to help them identify. The neighbor calling to tell me “your boys don’t even act scared - they just reach in and grab snakes with their bare hands!” Those were fun times.
I do not miss living in town. I do not miss having neighbors and neighborhood children stopping by constantly. I do not miss feeling like I had to stay dressed at the end of the day in case I needed to go out in the yard. I love the quiet, isolated area we live now. Yes we have neighbors, but the trees block a lot of that out. I do indeed do chores in my nightgown. I do take my walks in weird clothing that I would never wear in public. I do come home at the end of the day and put on my pajamas and never think twice about who might stop by. So there’s that. And the ones we have home now- Harper and Saige- they could care less! They don’t really like going places. They do hang out together and do things, but rarely ask to invite people over. I am not sure if they are less social, or if they just learned to be happy in solitide during the pandemic era. Either way, life is a lot more quiet, and a lot less people-y now!
Wrenley and Madison took a bus load of kids to the bowling alley. I don’t know about Madison, but Wrenley loves going with the kids!
When I got home, the sky/yard looked so hazy from the dust and wildfires I took a photo. I am now sort of nervous because although I cannot see any glowing fires but I can smell smoke. I am hoping it is far away!
I came home and cooked dinner quickly, because I kept seeing and hearing how many people were without power due to the weather. We haven’t lost power at this point, and I sure hope it stays on! The wind has died down a little bit now. I also made a pie - chocolate mousse because today is pi day. Usually we have pizza, but I didn’t go there since it is a Friday during lent. We had fish tacos and just the dessert kind of pi. It is easier to go all out for pi day when it’s not lent!
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