Friday, May 22, 2009

School's out!

It will probably sound totally insane for a mom who is about to have 4 kids released from school to say that she is excited about the last day, but I am! The past month seems to have drug on forever. And since we have started baseball in the evenings, sometimes not getting home until almost 11, getting up in the morning has been excruciatingly difficult. Truly, though I enjoy having my kids around. I like them. They keep me busy, they make me laugh and yes, sometimes they drive me nuts, but for the most part they are a ton of help, they are fun to be around and I am happy to have them back!

That being said, I am also very torn up still about the decisions that our school board has made. This will be the last year that Overbrook has its own school. They will be combined with 2 neighboring towns and this school will only house grades k-2. I am sad about that loss. I am a lot of other things besides sad about it, but mostly I am just sad. I liked our town's small school. I liked knowing that my kids were just down the street. I liked the fact that some of the teachers were ones who were there when I was a kid and that they know my kids and their family. I am just not one who adapts to change very well, especially if I can't see any real reason for the change. I know that we are now committed to staying in this area, after all we just spent a ton of cash buying land, but I still don't like what has been done. I will work to make sure that my kids get out of this system with an education, and I will homeschool them if necessary to insure that. All we can do is move forward and keep our eyes open to make sure that our kids are taken care of. For now, though I am just going to enjoy having my kids home!

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