Wednesday, October 28, 2009

City Park Tree Planting

In case you are wondering, my son doesn't usually dress this way, but it was sock day for Red Ribbon Week.
Jim and the kids spent the evening planting trees at the new city park. They are going to be so nice when they get some growth on them! I think it will be neat for the kids to watch these trees grow and know that they planted them.
I didn't make it to help with this project, as I attended parent teacher conferences. Our kids are doing fine academically, and don't seem to be causing any trouble in the school. I have to admit that I was a little frustrated after driving over there, to have the teachers tell me that they really had nothing to say, but then my friend Grace pointed out that this is a true blessing and that I should be thankful for it, so I am going to look at it that way!
Other happenings of the day, Cameron has been a little bit on the miserable side being home schooled. He has been doing great academically, and we are very proud of the work that he puts in. He hasn't fought us on any projects, assignments, or other things of that nature. However, he was feeling a little bit left out socially. Despite trying to get him signed up for activities, it was a struggle for him to wonder what his friends are doing and how everyone is getting along. After a few days of discussing this with him, he asked if he could go back to school. So today, we enrolled him back with his friends. He will be attending school in Scranton, as that is where they have the 3rd and 4th graders. He will start on Monday. Today we got to tour the school, meet his teacher and see who will be in his class. He was happy that there are several of his old friends from Overbrook in the class. I have mixed emotions about this, mostly I will miss having him around! I really enjoyed home school, and I know that Preston and Quincy are going to miss his "recess" time. I hope he will be happy at Scranton, and our one true hope for him is that he gets a good education.

1 comment:

  1. I was fun catching up, fall seems to have gone so quickly! Looks like you have been having fun!
