Monday, October 12, 2009

Crazy Day - Complete with a Little Runaway

Today was one of those days where everything is due, everything is going on, activities were abundant, kids were needing to be everywhere, I had a doctor appointment, my work was nuts due to the quarterly board meeting which is tomorrow, the kids and Jim had the day off and, well, it was just a zoo around here.
My doctor appointment went well, #7 seems to be growing normally and had a heart rate today of 140 (which grandma says is a boy's heart rate if you buy into that sort of thing). I ran a few errands and then ran home where Cameron was waiting for me to take him to football practice, as Jim had already left to take Colin to his practice which was at the high school. Madison had plans to babysit the neighbor kids around the corner, and I wanted to sit in on the school board meeting. Mallory agreed to babysit for Preston and Quincy, no problem. After I dropped off Cameron and managed to find him a ride home, I am sitting in on the BOE meeting when my phone rings, and Mallory is telling me that Quincy was ok now but that she had attempted to run away. Apparently she was upset that Madison would go over to her friend Luke's house without her! So the little turkey took her bike out of the garage and headed out on her own. Mallory said she realized she wasn't in the house and went out to find her when she saw the neighbor from 2 doors down pushing her on her bike back this direction. Quincy was very indignant that they would return her....after all she had big plans of playing with friends!

So if you see this child wondering about, she isn't as big as she thinks she is! Thank God we live in a small town, where the neighbors all know us and our tribe, and return them promptly! And thank God that we live on a street with not much traffic!

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