Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quincy's day to party!

These are the crazy ghost cookies that Quincy and I made for her class...when we finished Madison thought they looked more like skulls. The kids at Jumpstart preschool loved them!
Quincy had her Halloween party today. She was so excited! She got to color on her own little pumpkin, and bring it home. Never was a child so proud of a pumpkin I don't think!
After doing some crafts and games, they trick-or-treated the church offices. Cameron was once again the event photographer, but this time he managed to get his "best buddy" in some of the photos! Quincy is a bat, but she wouldn't keep the hood part up - and if you look closely you might notice she somehow escaped wearing shoes as well!

It rained and rained all day here today. Since all our practices and events were cancelled, we had a nice evening at home carving pumpkins. Notice in this photo, that our daughter is wearing a KU shirt - it was not a proud moment in our house when we realized that she got her name drawn at school today and PICKED this out. She giggled as she told me that she picked out this shirt especially to antagonize her father!

We HAD to carve the little pumpkin that Quincy got at school. It turned out cute!
Preston's pumpkin must have had a small hole in it. When I opened it up it was absolutely rotten inside. He had been so excited a few minutes earlier! Big brother Colin agreed to scoop out the yuck for him and we quickly carved it anyhow and set it outside - it was pretty stinky!
The warty weird pumpkin that Cameron picked we could not carve. It is apparently some sort of a gourd. The thing is hard as a brick. I even tried to use my ginsu knife to no avail. He ended up carving Quincy's pumpkin, since she had an extra one from school today. Next year we will pay a little more attention at the pumpkin patch!

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