Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Birthday girls!

Yesterday was Mallory and Madison's 14th birthday! I can hardly believe that my 'babies' are so old already! Mallory wanted a red velvet cake - I think I know why now - nobody but her likes red velvet so essentially she gets a cake all to herself! I am very proud of Mallory - she even had to work on her birthday yesterday! She is a sweet, art loving, tender hearted, great big sister! She is a lot of help to me and I really do appreciate it!

Madison had a chocolate cake, and this family loves chocolate! We had slices of cake, Madison went to take a shower and when she came out, Quincy had successfully eaten the rest of the frosting off the top! Madison is a sweet, tender hearted girl with a passion for neatness and order. I appreciate this quality more than I could ever say, and I will admit that there are days where if she wasn't here to motivate me our dishes would not get done! Madison is also a great big sister, and Preston is definitely a lucky little boy to have her always looking out for him!

Yesterday I was telling the girls that on the day they were born I have never been more scared in my life. It was not an easy day! They were born blue - I had no idea that babies could be the color of smurfs, but they were! They weren't in the room very long after delivery before they whisked them away because they were premature and Madison was very sick. When Madison was only hours old she was taken in a helicopter to Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. I am a control freak, so this was not at all in my plans for my newborn baby! We are very blessed that they got all the medical treatment that they needed, and have had no setbacks in their lives. I am very proud of their accomplishments and I am thankful every day that God has given me the gift of such wonderful daughters!

We also discussed the fact that they have missed the cutoff for getting a learning permit for driving at 14. They missed this deadline by a mere 6 weeks. Jim and I had to admit that we were not overly sad by this missed opportunity, as neither of us is quite ready to have daughters behind the wheel - we aren't ready emotionally and we aren' t old enough to have kids this age!

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