Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thoughts from the weekend

Cameron played his last 'regular season' game this morning. He still has a tournament coming up, and then he will be done with basketball. Harper was really excited to watch him play!
Cam's team had a rather rough time this morning, and even though they played pretty well, they lost. Cam made several points and got in some tremendous rebounds! We are proud of how much this team has learned this season and how much better they are playing!

Jim has gotten several of the stud walls together and even has some of them up. His progress came to a screeching halt though, as he caught the flu that the rest of us had this week. He is feeling a little better. So far, I haven't helped him at all other than carrying some of the wood into the basement. He has a new assistant it would seem, as Colin has taken a real interest in helping, and they seem to work pretty well together. We are going to have a lot of junk to clean out of the basement before we can move anyone down there though! Colin is hoping that dad will be feeling good enough to work some this afternoon and evening - he is excited about getting a bigger bedroom!

Colin is wrestling tomorrow in a tournament in Topeka. I am excited because it is an afternoon tourney and since Cam played today and he wrestles tomorrow, Jim and I can attend both things. Neither Jim nor I like missing out on the kids events!

Tonight we are attending a BINGO night for the 4-H livestock auction fundraiser. The grand prize is a processed hog. I am hoping that I can win that! Of course, I am not so lucky with that type of stuff, so I guess just knowing our money will be helping the 4-Hers is enough! I guess the bonus is that I don't have to cook dinner! Still, a nice ham and some pork chops sound pretty darn good!!! It is getting close to time to start thinking about baby pigs to raise too, and this has got me to thinking about that. I look forward to that because it means that spring, and warmer weather must be around the corner!

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