Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Why is it that lent had to start in a week that the kids and Jim had Monday off, so today seems like a Tuesday? I started out Ash Wednesday with eating a sandwich for breakfast - a sandwich that had sliced deli chicken on it. UUG! I NEVER eat sandwiches for breakfast! I didn't make the fasting and abstinence last for 5 minutes! Once I realized what day it was things went better. I have to serve communion and Colin is acolyte at church tonight, and we will get rolling on this lent issue! I know that lent is a time to focus and do better with our lives, and I will, I just got a late start this year! Thankfully, ours is a loving and forgiving God!

Miss Harper has had a rough few days with her stomach. She has her 2 month checkup next week and I am going to request that she be put on some acid reducing medications. She just cries after she eats and balls herself up. She has a hard time and it doesn't seem to matter what I eat, she has stomach trouble. The good news is that she is still sleeping most of the night.

Other news which isn't exciting, but it is frustrating is that my washer is about to bite the dust. This is not an old washer and I am oh so disappointed in Whirlpool for building a plastic piece of junk that I was dumb enough to pay premium amounts of money for. I had the repair guy out yesterday because it is SO LOUD - he told me the bearings are going out and that there is no way to fix it - and that ordering the parts will cost me more than the washer is worth. He suggested to me that everyone he knows that has this model is disappointed. He said to keep using it until is stops working. I don't know if it will last a month or a year, but we have laundry so I am plugging my ears and using it anyhow. I guess I will start a savings account and start researching tougher models!

Happy lent everyone - good luck on re-focusing our lives and re-thinking the things that we are doing! Its going to be a good one (now that I know its here that is!).

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