We started out our weekend with Madison and I getting in a much needed trip to the salon. I am now able to get a brush through my hair! I always feel good after going there - should go way more often. Following our beautification, we watched Cameron's team play basketball. His team lost, 13-18 with Cameron making 9 of their 13 points. They are playing pretty well, and are learning a lot so that is what is important!
Colin is not wrestling this weekend, so we were happy to have a Saturday without having to get up at 4 a.m. - sleeping in felt really good!
This was a special Sunday for Harper, as she was baptized at church. She did a really nice job of not crying! Since her Godfather was a victim of the non-ending bad weather and because I failed in my quest to kill a groundhog, Uncle Jay was not able to come up for the event, but never fear, Cameron stood in for him. It was a nice day and we were happy that the weather here cooperated enough to be able to get the baptism done and lunch in before the non-ending snow shows up again tonight.
This was almost a nice family photo, if only Quincy had stood up - we are finding one of the difficulties of having a large family is getting a photo where all of us are in it, and someone is not looking totally dorky is next to impossible!!
This is Aunt Amy with her 2 Godchildren! (Rough crowd?)
Sometimes I would love to know what a baby is really thinking! To me this says - Hey Mom get me the heck out of here!
We are now getting ready to host a Superbowl party for a couple of friends and cousins to come over and watch the game. We had to limit our guests to those who live here in town due to the forecast of another 8 inches of snow tonight. Although people are welcome to stay with us anytime, you would have to be a little nutty to willingly get snowed in here!!
Way 2 go Harper :)