Sunday, May 22, 2016

Weekend in a nutshell

We had one of those weekends where I end up happy to go back to work just so I can sit down for a while!  Interestingly, we didn't have much on the calendar, but things just kept getting added until I said is there anything else we can do in 2 days?  ;)
Mindy seems like she has settled into her new role as a house cat.   She is even doing well with potty training.  She does tend to want back outside.  For now we are distracting her.  When she gets bigger she can go out if she wants to.  
On Fridays at the Overbrook library, they are hosting some great programs, and of course they coincide with summer reading.   Quincy was not happy when I brought home the list!   I made a deal with Preston and Quincy that if they would take the little girls to the programs and check out books with the intention of reading them, then they could go fishing afterward in the city lake.  Every Friday.  Fishing is on the list of Quincy approved activities, so she agreed.  This Friday, they had a tropical bird show.  Quincy frowned about it but knew her part of the bargain.  The 4 younger kids came back absolutely thrilled and impressed.  Quincy included.  She said the birds were amazing!  Score one for mom!  
Saturday and Sunday the fairboard hosted a spring show.  We don't have any animals that would be ready to show, but we did agree to help with the concession stand.  We made breakfast burritos and cookies.  We also worked several shifts.  I think it was very successful.   I wasn't in charge so I guess we will wait to see exactly how successful!  
Saturday was a big opening day in Carbondale for all their ball teams.  Quincy's team was invited to a scrimmage game.  Her team came together late, and it has rained several times when they were supposed to practice, so we knew they were not quite ready to play yet!  
But Quincy and her sidekick felt like they had it all under control!  I love how these girls get along.  It's good to have a bff!  
Quincy played catcher while Landrie pitched.  She did awesome snagging balls. I don't know that she's really ever played that position before but she did great!
She also had a few great at bats. 
She finished out the game at pitcher.  She has not really been pitching very long, and hasn't practiced much yet.  She did great!  She had several strikeouts and a few girls hit off of her!  It was awesome.  
Her form reminds me a lot of Madison.  If she is enough like Madison...then we know all we have to do to get her to throw hard is make her mad!  
Because we didn't know about Quincy's game until the last minute, the kids were sort of bummed about missing "summer fest" at church.  Colin and Cameron had both signed up to be on horseshoe teams in a tournament there, but I figured that wasn't adequate watching for them. Luckily, when Aunt Amy stopped to buy a pulled pork sandwich, she offered to take them!   Harper and Saige had a great time playing the carnival games and getting their faces painted! 
Preston took second place in the free throw contest and got a trophy!  I was glad they got to go.  Colin and Cameron probably won't be leaving for the professional horseshoe throwing circuit anytime soon!  
Usually, I love Sunday as a day to relax and get ready for the week.  Sometimes, it just doesn't work out in my favor! 

1 comment:

  1. I had to laugh... this weekend's only thing on my schedule got cancelled a few weeks ago so I was thinking it would be a weekend to just stop the crazy for a bit... no way... Shawn had a floor sander rented to refinish some friends' floor in a house they just bought. Short of it... we decided out floors downstairs could be sanded just a bit and a a quick resurface was in order! Then... at ball practice, one of the dad's ask if our boys might be able to play locally on their traveling team this weekend in a tourney because they were short a couple of kids... thus leading to 4 baseball games Saturday and Sunday afternoon:) And a baby baptism and party at friends... so much for my lazy catch up weekend!
