Thursday, April 20, 2017

Firsts and lasts.

Saige lost her first tooth at preschool yesterday. She was pumped. She was visited by the tooth fairy and has money now! Not sure how our baby got so big.

Last night I was watching the kids walk up the driveway. I get a kick out of our dog going down to meet them. She loves her people! I usually get home about 10-15 minutes after they do, but I am told that Blitz always comes to greet them! They are torn over whether they like the greetings from the dog, or from Madison who is usually home baking something awesome at that time!

Last night was our last RE class for this year. We still have one more night, but it will be an end of the year mass and BBQ. Madison baked cookies for my class to decorate. We had a lot of fun. I really enjoyed this little tiny class of 3! I am sad to send them on! I feel so blessed to be able to witness the kids growing in their faith. I hope they learned something this year. I am thankful that I get the privilege of serving in this way.

My kids are out of school today due to a threat of an attack on the school. I am pleased that the administration took quick and thorough action to ensure our kids safety, and that the child who did it was arrested. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed, and sad that this keeps happening. I wish for simpler times for my kids. Preston in particular was worried and scared. How do you explain to a 12 year old that they have never really been safe? That evil exists and is always present? I told him our responsibility is to lay all our anxieties, worries and troubles on God and go do the best we can to be kind, compassionate, loving and understanding people. I hope we succeed in raising kids who will take the time to understand diversity, embrace equality, be liberal minded enough to hear the other side, and know that they are loved.

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