Saturday, April 15, 2017

Work day

We had a lot of things on our agenda for the day. It was city wide clean up day. Despite several people saying they could attend, these 3 were the only 4-Hers to help the city volunteers with picking up branches. They all worked very hard! While Jim and the kids cleaned up the city, Saige and I worked at the band's 5k fundraiser. I am not sure that the 5k was very successful, but i can say I am happy it is over! It is the last big band fundraiser for this school year.

The other kids did not get done in time to attend the annual egg hunt at Brookside. Saige and I went and she said she would get enough candy to share with everyone! She's nice like that! ;)

She was indeed getting quite a haul, and then it happened. She bent down to get a snickers, and there was a snake. She put her hands up and said "I don't want any more candy!" It was just a garter snake. I tried to explain that they are good and wouldn't hurt anyone. She was not interested in my snake banter and headed right for the safety of the parking lot! I giggled about it to the nursing home owner (Mallory's boss). She instantly went and got some extra candy and filled Saige's basket while profusely apologizing. I thought it was funny and no apology was necessary!

Aunt Geraldine was sympathetic and agreed that Saige made the right call!

After the egg hunt, and finally catching up with the kids and Jim, we conned Colin into coming into town with his truck and helping us load up a bunch of garage sale donations. The kids had worked so hard by this time, we decided to go out for lunch. It was a huge mistake to sit down! After lunch, it was more garage sale donation getting and then organizing the building with the other 4-H family. To say we are exhausted tonight is an understatement. I was so tired I didn't even get upset when I realized that Lance was sitting in the living room watching tv like the puppy he thinks he is.

We also had to dye our eggs. I felt silly buying eggs since we have so many from our chickens. Our eggs are brown though, so we bought white ones. The kids had fun!

Preston was a little more serious about his dye than the girls!
It was a tiring but fun day!

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