Monday, April 10, 2017

Where did you go?

The weekend flew by in an flash. I wish it was a Monday holiday week! Of course....I wish that every week!
Quincy's billy goat has been having problems with his feet. Despite changing diet, adding mineral supplements and trimming a bunch, he just was not doing well. We could not use him for the breeding purposes we intended. She was not happy, but we rehomed him. He really was a sweet boy despite being a billy. We will miss his friendly nature.

Saturday, Cameron took his ACT test and followed that fun with participating in regional band contests for small groups and ensembles. He was in a tuba quartet. You might notice there are only 3 boys in his quartet. Apparently one boy inexplicably bailed on them. They adjusted to be a trio, but had to take a points deduction. They got a 2 rating. We think without the points deduction they may have qualified for state. Disappointing after the work they put in.
I can't begin to explain how proud I am of this kid. The amount of stuff he is involved in is dizzying. He also worked this weekend with Colin who was home. It was nice to have everyone home!

Since we no longer had a billy goat, we began the process of finding a replacement. Jim found this sweet little dude on Craigslist. He was happy to take the kids into his old stomping grounds and pick him up!
Quincy named him after the band director. His name is Lance.

While Jim, Quincy and Preston were picking up the new goat, I sent Harper down to check on the rabbit. We had put him in a different cage so we could use the kennel to transport the goat. Harper came in and reported the rabbit was missing. We were able to locate the little escapee, and then spent over an hour trying to catch him. He is quick and tricky! I admit I had a little period of time where I wish the eagles had eaten him!
We have been finding a bunch of guinea eggs. We have been collecting them and putting them in the incubator. I have no idea if they will hatch, but it seems like it's worth a shot!

Lance is a bottle baby. He was one of a set of triplets. The kids are completely smitten. I walked out to see how he was settling in and found that Quincy was playing catch with Madison, and they had let him out because he was crying. I can tell that this little dude is going to be a spoiled mess!

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