Thursday, May 30, 2019

some Saige photos

It has been an interesting week.  We came a little too close to a tornado.    We watched as friends, neighbors, acquaintances and co-workers have struggled after losing their homes, barns, animals, and other property to weather.  We have felt blessed beyond reason that our family was all safe.  The tornado passed about a mile south of my parents, and about a mile north of my brother.  Then it headed to Lawrence where Colin is currently living, as well as Jim's family.  Then it headed into Kansas City where again we have family.  We are beyond grateful that our family was safe.  As much as I love living here, I am no fan of the weather sometimes.  It was close enough that I made the kids go to the basement.  That is a rarity for me.  Sometimes in the Midwest, we get complacent about safety in the storms.  This was a reminder of the damage, and destruction for sure.

Not that is even the same caliber of devastation, but ball season has been an interesting one as we have had games rained out, tornado-ed out, mudded out and rescheduled all over the place.  Last night, I was happy because Saige and Harper both had games scheduled in the same city.  That would have been awesome except the field Saige was supposed to play on was under water.  Her game was cancelled.  She asked me if she could go along and take pictures of Harper.  I used to ask my mom to take pictures too, but was often told no because - well film.  I feel like digital photography allows me to say yes, so I turned her loose with my phone.  She took a lot of pictures.  A whole lot.  The ones below are my favorites.  She took a few of Evie before we left as well.    

I don't think that Saige will win any awards for amazing sports photography, but I like these!
Harper is on a team with some kids who have not played before.  They are improving with every game.  Harper pitched 2 innings and had a few strike outs.  She also hit a home run.  Her team did not win, but it was a nice evening, and the snacks were good!  
Side note - Madison made hot beef sandwiches for dinner.  Saige does not like this dinner at all.  She did indeed take photos, but she also talked me into buying her concession stand pretzels and then made the comment that pretzel and cheese is a much better dinner than the one Madison fixed!  I think she may be a con artist?

We came home over the dam at Pomona Lake.  My kids love to go over there to swim and play at the beach in the summer.  They were very sad to see the swim beach, the camp grounds, playgrounds and all the of the bathrooms underwater.  Since they are not releasing water currently from any of the lakes around here, it is not looking too promising for days at the beach anytime soon.  Harper got a little teary eyed over it.  So I spent some time explaining to them how they are upset about losing a day at the beach, but they need to pray for the people whose livelihood is dependent on the weather.  I also added in that they need to pray that the state's dams hold up because a breach would be catastrophic and they are holding back much more water than normal.  Monitoring at my work is at an all time high, and we do not hold back nearly as much water behind any of our dams as the Corps of Engineer lakes do.  Watershed/dam people are all holding our breath currently.

These trees usually provide some shade at the swimming beach!

Since the sun was setting, it is sort of hard to tell, but the yellow arrow is pointing to the top of the bath house at the swim beach at Pomona Lake.

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