Friday, May 3, 2019

wrapping up

As the school year starts to get close to ending, so do some of the activities we have going on.  The girls and I had our final RE class for the school year on Wednesday.  I love teaching RE, and it makes me happy to give of my time in that way.  I know that someday I will miss the chaos that our lives are right now, but currently, I am ultra happy to have another year under our belts, and happy to have some time off.  Ok, maybe 'time off' isn't accurate, but time with less stuff to run to sounds amazing right about now!

 Monica (the woman in pink) has been Saige's RE teacher for 4 years in a row.  Saige was very sad that she won't be in her class next year.  Saige absolutely adores Monica!  And so do the rest of us.  It is hard to not love a woman who is so very dedicated to her faith, kind, giving and amazing.  

Quincy skipped her League track meet yesterday to attend a Wildlife Habitat Education Program at KSU.  She has studied really hard, done a lot of projects, and is trying to learn as much as she can.  I am pretty proud of her.  She didn't place in the contest part of the day, but she really has learned a lot of stuff.   It was a sort of wrap up day, but I hope she won't quit learning about wildlife, and helping the environment!

They also got to eat at Call Hall....she said it was a highlight!  :)

Preston did attend the league track meet.  I got to drive the bus, so I was able to go watch!  Preston participated in high jump, pole vault, and medly relay yesterday.  He did a great job on pole vault.  He went out on 8'6" and took 2nd place.  He did not place in high jump, and I believe his relay team took 5th place.  It was not the best managed track meet I have ever attended, but it was a nice day to wrap up the season! 

This kid is also wrapping up his freshman year at KSU.  The things he has accomplished and been involved with this year are amazing.  He texted me yesterday to say he had been in a student senate meeting.  He also signed a lease on a house for next year.  He is doing great and we are very proud!  I am excited that he will be home for a few weeks this summer!

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