Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Back at it

We had a nice, but too short weekend.  I swear to you, they never last long enough.  I am not sure how many days it would take for me to think I had enough time....but I can tell you it is more than 2!  I did manage to get the laundry caught up, and we had Sunday dinner with the kids, but I never got my Christmas stuff put out, and I never got my lists made for Christmas shopping.  I am starting to feel the panic of the season.  It brings me to this - December.  A month I have been given some large gifts, 2 children born to me, and my sweet granddaughter.  I should love December, and I am thankful for my blessings, however, I do not love this season.  For me, it has always been a season of reflection.  I always think by this time next year we will have taken care of this or that, or I will be better prepared, or I won't procrastinate all the things that need done, are due, year end work things that have to be done. I will be on top of things.  And then December hits, and here I am.  Procrastination has won yet again.  Except it isn't all procrastination.  The season is a demanding, busy, weird, feels-like-an-afterthought sort of time.  The school is a great example - it is the end of the semester, we must have 35 tests, assessments, projects due, but also we have to have a fundraiser for charity, a sock drive for the less fortunate, movie watching day where you need to bring a blanket and a snack, pajama wearing day, holiday headwear day,  a cookie decorating bar where we need you to send sprinkles, we must have a hot chocolate day where we need parents to send supplies, we must have a holiday meal where we want you to show up to eat, a party for our class where we need parents to sign up to bring the snacks, we have a gift exchange in 3 different classes but we don't want this to be a burden so we are setting a limit of $2 (as if there is anything left in this world that you can purchase for that price), we are having a math lesson on measuring and need gift wrap donated, oh let's throw in a band concert, we need.....we need.....we need.  Added to the fact that I don't enjoy shopping, loathe wrapping, and believe that piped in Christmas music is nothing short of torture, and well....bah humbug.  Bah humbug times 1000.  Now, don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, and Christmas music, and baking with the kids, and having everyone gathered, I just hate the overblown, overrated disaster that society has made out of something that was never meant to be a burden.  I have said over and over and over Jesus Christ was born in a barn, and we all missed the point.  And that brings me back to my point.  I have 2000 things going on, not enough time to get them all done, and a procrastinating personality that makes this time of the year into a giant cesspool of insanity for my poor, sad, tired brain.  
I am fine....everything is fine!  Everything always works out.  I am fine...everything is fine.  

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