Monday, January 22, 2024

Andrew’s birthday and some randomness

Today is Andrew's birthday.  We celebrated last night with a ham dinner and the best apple dump cake!  He was not into singing or candles.....and so we let that slide.  I told him I would call him today to sing to him!  He will be appreciative when he hears my amazing singing voice!  Andrew is a great addition to our family.  He is helpful, funny, and kind.  He and Jim might be the same person, we aren't really sure sometimes!  He laughs at Jim's jokes, takes him fishing and helps him with random things we seem to be continually breaking around here.  Today, he is in the semi driving loads to Hope and Clay Center.  The roads are bad again, and I pray his birthday isn't too stressful or dangerous.  Happy Birthday Andrew - we love you!

The weekend passed us by in a is the usual.  It was nice and low key.  The kids were here for Sunday dinner, and we got a kick out of Evelyn.  She was coloring with the girls.  They were all drawing stuff and she was getting very upset because she is not as good at drawing as they are.  She then burst into tears exclaiming "I can never make a perfect heart!"  So much drama, so little time.  I feel bad for laughing, but it reminded me so much of little Madison.  I was flashing back to once when Madison and Mallory were small.  I told them we had to go run errands.  We went through a list of places we had to stop, and I told them if they were good we would get lunch in town.   As we are stopping, Madison was counting.  We have 5 stops to make, we have 4 more stops to make, etc.  They were good, and we went to McDonalds.  As they were eating, I decided to make one more stop at the bread store.  She thought we were going home.  When I pulled into the bread store, she went into a complete melt did not say we were going to the bread store.  Daddy won't know where we are at!  We cannot possibly go to the bread store!   Geez kid I guarantee your dad doesn't care if I buy some bread!  As a matter of fact, he would appreciate having bread - calm down!  I had to talk her off the roof multiple times when she was small!  Evie might have come by this naturally!  When they left, Quincy was showing me the amazing drawing she did that made Evie feel inferior in her art skills!  I laughed, because Jim said "look....she does draw horses without adding genitals!"  Reminding me of the phone call I got once from her 3rd grade teacher.  These kids are all crazy!

The reward for raising children is having grandchildren.  I love my kids, but these 2 little girls make our world go round.  I hope we can add a few more soon!  Get on that kids - except for you 3 youngest girls - do not get on that! 

On to new random topics.  Lauren sent me this photo of Bella.  I know I was supposed to be looking at the dog, but all I can see is the green grass.  Oh!  I miss you green grass!
So far, this new year has been one big old bucket of suck.  The kids are out of school again today.  Since school started back up from the holiday break, the kids have only gone to school 5.5 days.  I am fine with them being out of school if the weather or the roads are questionable, but I hate the "wait for a decision part" of the day.  This morning, I got out of bed, noticing that there was a layer of ice covering all the vehicles when I let the dogs out.  I looked at the news and saw a few of the schools around us were out.  I did my inside chores, The bus boss called to say we were having school...that he had been out driving and the roads were 'not bad.'  He said go slow there are a few slick spots, but overall it is fine.  I took a shower.  I woke up the girls and started the bus, noticing that I could barely stand up to walk to the bus and thinking that he had clearly lost his mind.  I came inside to finish getting ready, while I was getting texts from a variety people saying how slick it was outside, and to be careful.  I told Jim and the girls I was going to drive over to my first stop, which is about 15 minutes away, and if I thought the roads were too bad, I was going to text to tell them all to stay home.  I managed to get back to the bus without falling down, got my seatbelt buckled up and was cussing under my breath when I got a text from the bus boss saying 'never mind school is out today."  I didn't waste any time shutting the bus off, and climbing my happy buns back inside!  And then recalling the last time I was sliding on ice, and how I am only just now able to walk without pain, I decided to stay home from my other job as well.  I have a few things I can handle from home, and I can't think of anything that is worth going in for.  Jim did go to work, and said he had no trouble.  It is supposed to be above freezing today, so maybe some of it will melt off, but there is another round coming tonight, so I think we will be back in this same situation tomorrow.  Maybe they should just say we will try again in February? 

Added to the weather, we are in a pattern of things breaking.  Saturday, was Jim's city Christmas party.  I had accidentally left the key fob in the Nissan overnight.  As a result, the fob froze and it died.  We figured out we could use the chip to start the car, after new batteries failed to revive it.  When we got to town, Jim locked the car.  When we came out of the party, we could not get into the car.  The little hidden key would do nothing.  We ended up buying more new batteries, but that did nothing.  Quincy came to our rescue.  Andrew bought a slim jim and tried to help us yesterday, but couldn't get it unlocked.  Today, after I made a couple of phone calls, we are told that the Nissan has a lock-out feature and in order for it to work, we will have to get a lock smith to reprogram the system.  I am so annoyed by that!  These "smart" programs can be a real pain sometimes.  Added to the truck's water pump going out and we are now relying on Quincy's car.  Luckily, since she was out of school, and doesn't' have to work, she let Jim borrow it to get to work today.  We will have to figure out a few things today.  Since I stayed home, I was the lucky one to notice our ceiling is wet in the living room.  It is not dripping like the roof is leaking, more like condensation has caused the sheetrock to be damp in spots.  I have no idea what is going on with that.  Not a text I wanted to send to Jim considering everything that is broken right now.  When it rains it pours they say.....I don't know who "they" is, but I'm going to need them to shut up!  

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