Sunday, January 14, 2024

What day is this?

What day is this?  Where am I supposed to be?  Who even am I?  This week has been weird.  As in, days and days off school, snow days I really was mad about them not calling, and days I have been shocked they called.  Calls from the transportation supervisor wanting my opinion?  What the heck is even going on?  You recall, Monday I was very aggravated that they had not called off school, and then did early dismissal, making me even more aggravated?  Then they called off school Tuesday, which was completely warranted because we were in a blizzard and ended up with 8ish inches of snow.  Wednesday, they called it because of road conditions....again completely warranted, as the back roads were junk.  Saige had an appointment at the ENT, and as I was leaving there, I had a call from my boss.  He asked if I had left my house.  Well, yes, I went to my day job and am now in Topeka.  He was wanting my opinion on the road conditions.  I told him honesty, I don't think they are good, but I had no trouble, because I am driving around in a 4-wheel drive vehicle that handles the snow fairly well, but in the bus, I think it would be pretty bad.  For one thing, the gravel roads are one lane, and are still fairly snow packed.  Saige and I then ran all of the errands, did grocery shopping and got home around 5 pm.  When I got home, I had a call from someone in the township saying our grader never cleared their road at all.  When I called my guys, they said that yes, they were still working to get several of the roads open, and that the snow removal was the worst ever, due to it being extremely wet, icy, and muddy underneath the snow.  They were moving at a snail's pace.  Around 8, my bus boss again called me.  He asked if I had any trouble getting home from Topeka, and if I had driven my route roads.  I told him again, I am driving a vehicle that does well in the snow, and that absolutely not, I had no desire to go driving around in places I didn't have to!  He told me he was negotiating things, but he wasn't sure how it would turn out.  An hour later, he texted to say they were calling off school again today since the gravel roads were not all clear, some were one lane wide, and he was worried about black ice overnight.  I was shocked.  Never in a million years did I think we would be out again today.  I am glad, although I know there will be people who are mad about it.  Those people who are mad, should have to fill in as bus drivers for those of us who know the dangers. My mom always says she would rather go a day in May than to chance hurting a bunch of kids in a bus accident.  I agree 100%.  The girls were thrilled, as was I!  I might have been happy not to drive, but I am more excited that the dryer parts are in, and I was trying to figure out how to be home or have someone at home when Pete shows up to fix the dryer.  I am tired of having clothes hanging all over the house!  Tonight, we are once again in a winter storm advisory, with more snow expected.  I wonder if we should just try again next week?  They are already out on Monday for the Martin Luther King holiday, why not just say see ya all on Tuesday?   
I am happy that we got Saige's ear stuff resolved.  She had a bunch of wax, and possibly something more lodged in her ear.  She ended up with an ear canal infection.  We got her on antibiotic ear drops and it cleared the infection, but there was still some stuff lodged in her ear.  The ENT was able to get it all cleared out yesterday.  She said it was weird to be able to hear clearly out of that side of her head again.  After the dentist fiasco, I was worried about how this would go, but she laid there and let them do whatever they did just fine.  When looking at the forecast, and knowing I have to work at the liquor store this weekend, plus Preston is supposed to be moving back to Manhattan, and I wanted to get some stuff for his dorm room, I forced Saige to run about 300 errands and help me get groceries.  She was less than enthusiastic about it.  We ran a lot of errands - when you live far from town, you tend to let the errands stack up until you are in town anyway, and then it becomes a miserably long trip.  She was good while I ran a bunch of places, and then we went to Sam's.  Everyone hates Sam's.  Myself included.  When you have a big family, I just don't see a better way to buy things though.  Laundry soap in a box that does 180 loads when you do at least 2 loads a day is an absolute necessity!  Not to mention if you live in a house with 4 women, and 2 more that frequently visit, you use a lot of toilet paper!  Our household is getting smaller, but it hasn't shrunk enough to give up my Sam's card just yet!  We managed to get my list knocked off there, and then I stopped at Dillon's for groceries.  When Saige saw where we were she literally shrieked "OH GAWD NOT GROCERY SHOPPING TOO???"  Uh child, do you like eating?  Unfortunately, it is a necessity.  She then proclaimed she would sit in the car.  Girl!  You cannot sit in the car in Topeka.  Sorry!  She then stomped into the store with me but proclaimed "Fine but I am getting yogurt!"  Like that wouldn't be on the list anyway!  :)  Kids!  Now I remember why Jim and I usually use grocery shopping as "date night" and forgo taking the children to the store!  I prefer Jim as my shopping partner.  He is way less whiney.  
I miss seeing the girls when there is no school, I don't get to have my office partner, or see the baby in the mornings, but I am thankful that they are home safe and warm!  If this continues, we might have to go beating down the door for some Wrenley snuggles and Evie insanity.  Madison has kept us stocked up on photos though!  I am thankful for that as well!  

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