Thursday, January 25, 2024

January 93rd


It is no secret that I hate winter.  I have hated winter since I was a little kid.  I hate being cold, I hate snow, I hate the north wind that sucks the breath from my lungs when I go outside, and I hate the aftermath of mud, muck, disgusting piles of wet drippy brown crusted snow and wetness everywhere that goes with it when it finally does warm up.  Yesterday, I took Harper to the orthodontist.  Of course I did, because we have had a thousand days off school, finally go back, and of course I have to pull her for an appointment.  Because that is how my life goes.  We got to the appointment, and started walking in.  I told her gee it is really warm today....
An hour later, we were driving by the bank and saw that the temperature was 36.  That tells me how cold it has been, 36 is feeling like a tropical paradise.  Insanity.  Anyway, I am glad it is warmer, and that the snow is melting, but the back roads that were so bad last week packed with snow and ice, and drifting, are now mud.  Deep, awful, mud.  Driving on them is like skating in soup.  I know this because I drive around in the country for hours a day on a bus.  If I didn't already know it, the people who call to complain about the township roads would surely let me know.  As if there is a thing that can be done about the mud?  My boys are running themselves ragged.  They have worked an insane amount of hours in the last 3 weeks.  They are not young.  One stopped in my office this morning and I swear to you he has aged 10 years since I saw him last week.  He takes the job seriously and personally, and although he has no more control over the weather than I do, he is doing his best to keep the roads open and keep people happy.  It is just rough. 
I saw a video this morning where the lady said "the first six months of this year have been so hard....and someone yells out 'it's still January'"  I felt that in my soul.  I swear this month has been 93 days long!  Thankfully, I have granddaughters who brighten my days!  Wrenley is a happy kid, and doesn't seem the least bit bothered by the weather!  I love how she always has a smile!  
We did get to have lunch with Colin yesterday.  He was in town to help a friend, and stopped for just a little while.  It was good to see him!  He always has crazy stories and odd stuff that has happened to fill us full of.

I haven't seen much of Evie lately.  Between snow days, and appointments, she hasn't been hanging with me.  I bought her some Valentines Day decorations to put up in the office, you know, to maybe brighten the mood.  She was more than excited about it.  She has it looking so much happier in here!  She is at that age where everything is a big deal.  Valentine's Day is her new favorite thing in the world.  She is excited about her upcoming Valentine's Day party, can't wait to make her cards, wants me to buy her some Valentine Crafts, and talked my ears right off my head.  Her enthusiasm is contagious, as I spent time looking for some crafts we can do this weekend.  Anything to take my mind off the fact that it is still January!  
We had good news on Harper's teeth, with them saying that by summer, we should be done with her braces.  She was happy.  I am happy about reclaiming the braces payment for other chlorine for the pool!  :)  
I am still trying to figure out the photos on this blog.  I have been working on some back up stuff, and trying to follow several different pieces of advice I found online.  Jim has been helping me, so I am sure if it is possible to fix, he will figure it out.  He is much better at this sort of thing than I am.  I am relieved that the photos are not lost, but I cannot seem to get them to load like they should.  To be honest, it has been frustrating and a little bit terrifying, as this is my only family scrapbook.  I didn't lose the pictures, but the thought of not having them saved in order makes me cringe a little bit.  Sometimes I really hate technology!  

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