Saturday, June 6, 2009

another wacky weekend

Its the weekend again...and again we have a million little things to do. We haven't folded laundry in a week, so it is piled in my bedroom and ready to be folded and there is more to wash too. I don't have much hope of getting it all done today, but maybe if I work hard...??? The girls played softball in Osage City last night. It was an ugly game. Not much more I can say about it, just that they only had 8 players and those 8 seem to have forgotten everything they had ever learned about the game. I hope I never have to sit through another one like that! Just a bad night. After the girls played, we drove over to Carbondale to watch Colin's team. They also lost, but they played really well. Colin got to pitch, which I admit racks my nerves. He just is such an easy going kid, he stands out there and if he throws a strike, he smiles, if he hits a kid he smiles, and if he walks a kid he smiles. He is having fun! Which I guess is the reason we are doing this after all! Preston had a t-ball game this morning. His team had fun and there was no crying today at all, so that was a big improvement over last week. maybe it was because it was not hot! Cameron has the late game tonight - I hope that his team does ok, but their main pitcher is on vacation and that means that they are down to 8 players too.

Jim is helping with the city park project (unless it rains). I am saying a little prayer that this week goes better than the last time they were planning to move dirt. I went over to take him a water, and he had sunk the dump truck in mud. I mean buried it. It took them quite a while to figure out how to get it out!

I hope that your weekend is great - we are going to try to get in a little TV time or something amongst the running in circles! I don't think that summer was made for relaxing!!

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