Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Counting down...

Jim is in another training class in Wichita. He left early this morning, and we are already counting down the minutes until he gets back. With both of us working here in town, we get to have lunch together every day. Preston and Quincy were not amused when daddy didn't come in at the usual time. Its not that we don't function without him, just that he keeps things a lot more interesting and entertaining than I do. I am a slave driving, rule making, chore passing, mean momma! It is a title that I am proud of though!
The kids are also counting down the days until spring break from school. Preston had his last day of preschool today - I got a good chuckle out of the kids leaving and saying "I'll miss you during our 11 days off!" Must have been a class project to count the days off? I am really, sincerely hoping that the weather is warm, as I have promised Quincy a trip to the zoo. She brought home a book from school last week about zoos, and was sad to realize that she has never been to the zoo that she could remember.
Madison is going to run track, and Mallory has been asked to be the manager. Track practice starts today, and there is a parent meeting afterwards. Fully aware that I am perhaps a horrible mother for admitting this, but I hate these parent meetings! Really, I don't need to have a meeting where they tell me that they expect that my children will behave on the bus, show up daily for practice, do as they are told, not smoke, drink, or do drugs during the season (I expect them to never do this, EVER). Seems like a no-brainer, but I suppose if they didn't have these meetings then there would be all sorts of people whose pot smoking kid gets kicked off the team and they say "you never said...." it is probably a no-win for the school. So I will go and paste on a happy face while I sit there and have them explain the obvious. And then tomorrow night I will go back to Carbondale once again for them to explain to me how we are going to raise enough money for the girls 8th grade class to afford a dance after graduation. And in case you are wondering, I am not too thrilled about that meeting either - for 2 reasons - first, if you want a graduation dance that is fine -but fundraising? Why can't they just use the gym, have some people donate decorations, and others donate drinks, snacks etc. Play some music, call it a dance and BINGO - kids are happy? and the other reason is that they specifically said "NO children" allowed on the note. Why? What are we going to be saying that the kids can' t hear? UUUUGGG is what I say, but in the name of playing nice and being a 'good' mom I suppose I will drag my happy carcass over there and see what part I can contribute to the happy 8th grade graduation! OK rant over!

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