Tuesday, June 15, 2010

1/2 birthday girl

Our little lady is 1/2 year old today! It is so hard for me to believe how fast the past 6 months has flown by! Harper Joy really is a joy! Mallory had a fun time taking these photos of her today for her big day! She really wants to crawl - desperately wants to keep up with all the activities in the house! She isn't sitting up on her own very well yet, but she doesn't really need to- as there is always someone to hold her up! She seems to be cutting more teeth, and has been known to devour a graham cracker at record speed!

It has been a good day here at our house - the dryer repair man showed up and pushed the re-set button. I think he felt sorry for me (or he was terrified of having to come back here) and he showed me how to do it myself. That will save me a few dollars! He made me promise him 2 things - first that I would always unplug the dryer before doing it, and second that I wouldn't tell his 'boss' that he showed me how to do it! Truly, it isn't hard and it is expensive and frustrating when the dryer stops for that silly lent trap reason! Since we have no ballgames tonight I expect that I can get the laundry caught up! Clean clothes - what a nice gift for someone for her 'birthday'!! Wonder if I will get off that easy for Quincy next month??

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