Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Colin's eye fiasco

I mentioned that the boys stayed with my cousin last night. This morning I was at work - slaving away for the state when the door opened and Colin says "mom my eye is really bothering me" --this is what I saw! OK I would say that is a bit on the bothersome side son!

I asked him a ton of questions - did you fall, did you get punched, kicked or smacked in the eye? Did you walk into a branch, hook yourself in the eye, etc. NO no and more no. I could not see any place where there was a bite mark from a mosquito or a spider. He was not running a fever or having any other trouble. Weird. So I called my favorite pediatrician who we haven't seen for a couple of days and they got him right in. One look at him and he got a one way pass to the hospital. They called it paraocularcellulitis. I have no idea what that is - but I think it loosely translates into one swollen eye. Our Dr was a little bit afraid if we left it untreated it could possibly damage his eye muscles, so we went straight to the hospital (after stopping at Sonic for happy hour slushes!). They told me that they could not see any place that he had been bitten, the eye was too swollen to really tell if he had scratched the eye itself, and that if it was an allergic reaction that it should be both eyes, and he might be having trouble breathing too. He saw the pediatric optometrist who says that he thinks it is an infection. He is now in the hospital with daddy by his side, getting IV drugs and hoping that by tomorrow he is radically cured because he was very, very upset at the thought of missing a ballgame tomorrow night!
Of course, I was thinking about all the places that we were this weekend, and all the stuff that we did, and there is no way in the world to tell what he did or where he might have picked up an eye infection. So for now, we will just wait and see, they said they would go for 24 hours of IV antibiotics and then re-evaluate him. Colin is my medical fiasco child. Poor boy!

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