Monday, May 31, 2010

On Friday, I had this wonderful vision of a relaxing 3 day weekend...I looked at my calendar with 3 blank holes and was so excited about having some time to get caught up, maybe watch a movie or 2, take the kids to the pool, play around in the yard and garden and just basically kick back. Yeah, I was delusional.
I decided after a solid week of 80+ degree weather I could safely put away the kids winter clothes and find their summer clothes (so if there is a freak blizzard next week you can blame me). That process is started but not finished. I was also trying to go through a bunch of stuff since there is a rummage sale at our church this week and they will take it all off of my hands. I managed to get 4 huge bags of stuff for them to sell, but geez we have a lot of junk (all very nice, usable things if you are going to the sale!). How is it that we accumulate so much stuff? I am starting to think that it would be ok to just start a large fire in my front yard and start carrying things out there. If only the neighbors would get on board with this idea!
My grandma decided yesterday to have a small party after the Memorial Day mass at the cemetery. So we attended the service and then went over to her house. I only meant to stay for a little bit, but the kids were having so much fun playing kickball with their cousins that I had a hard time getting them convinced to leave. When we got back to town, we made the mistake of driving by the pool which was filled with people - meaning that Quincy HAD to go there - I said well maybe a little bit later - OH NO! We had to go now - Daddy bought her a pool pass - that means we can go everyday -didn't I remember that? We have now been there 3 afternoons in a row. I truly love the city pool, and with a pass I feel ok about going for 1/2 an hour or whatever and then coming is easy and convenient, but I didn't have it on my agenda for the day. Harper seems to like the water and is entertained by watching all the kids, so it was fun. I forgot that sunscreen on your face does not protect your back though, so I am a bit deep fried!
The boys have been on a quest to catch large mouth bass to stock our pond with. They have been trying to get out to my uncle's pond to catch some, but every time they tried it rained, or some little girl who I won' t name demanded to be taken along. Tonight they finally made it. Unfortunatley, the 2 that they managed to catch did not fare well. Colin and Cam are now over at my cousin's house for the night. They called to ask permission, I said ok - I will bring you some clothes - Colin told me he didn't need them - he was clean from swimming all afternoon....ok - but that was before the fishing excursion. He finally relented and agreed to take a shower -- I wonder how much persuading had to be done on Melissa's end - you can't sleep here smelling like fish! AAAAHHH Summer!

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