Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Final track meet and more snake adventures

Mallory and Madison had their final track meet of 8th grade today. They had a good time and say they are both happy and sad that it is over. The little ones, grandma Nancy, and I went out to watch. We were sure glad that Madison was doing shot and discus today and those are early events, which meant that we didn't have to stay out there too long...I got sunburned as it was! I don't think that Madison placed today, but she did have fun! Mallory was working very hard, and even got blisters from running the rake in the long jump pit! The rest of this week is just play time for them - as they wind down their year and prepare for graduation this weekend. Parties, a field trip to their reading teacher's farm, turning in books and graduation practice...sounds like a pretty tough rest of the week?!?!

On Saturday when we took care of the hogs, Colin and Cameron caught this snake in my mom's yard. I have really never seen one quite like it, and we are still not really sure what type it is, unfortunately, when catching him he was injured and didn't survive. Today, Preston was going to get some dry straw, and he yells "Hey there is a baby black snake over here!" Of course, Colin and Cam go running over, only to find a little snake which Colin proclaims is not a black snake. Colin gently stepped on him with his boot, and then scooped him into a bucket. After examining him we are 99% sure he was a baby rattle snake. He had no rattles yet, but he did have fangs, and the typical triangle shaped head. He was a vicious little thing! I am thankful that Preston saw him first! I don't really like to kill snakes, but in this case, we made an exception. I am a little bit nervous that he might have some brothers and sisters hiding out somewhere nearby! Sorry, but I had left my camera at home...no photos are available for documenting this event!

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