Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Quincy's big wheel day and ball games

Quincy's had her last day of preschool. The last day is 'big wheel day' where they set up a little town and the kids get a driver's license and money to visit the town's stores. There was a popsicle stand, kool-aide stand, bank, bike wash, and more! She has been looking forward to this day all year, as she remembered watching Preston's class last year! It was so worth the wait! She had a great time! Madison was a helper today - she was in charge of the popsicle store! They both had fun!

Preston, Mallory and Madison all had their first ball games. I was happy to actually get to go, and I am happy to say that Harper did a remarkable job too! Preston's team won their first game, and Preston got a couple of really good hits! It was fun to watch and he was off the charts excited! Truth be told, he started in while we were in Topeka - worried that I wouldn't get him back in time - I had to run up there to get the missing stuff for his uniform (socks etc.) and I guess he thought I couldn't tell time!

The girls' softball team played really well tonight too, and I thought it was a pretty fun game to watch...they didn't end up winning, but they certainly played hard! Madison had to pitch the whole game as their other pitchers were absent tonight. She did great! Mallory played 2nd base and she had some really awesome plays! The really cool part of watching these 2 games back to back was being able to see how much they have grown into the game!
Of course, it is now a little after midnight and I remember why it was that I never drank any caffeine during the later game - because then I get home and I can't sleep - don't really even feel tired. OH I will pay for this late night computer time tomorrow at work!!

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