Monday, May 24, 2010

Field day

It was k-6 field day today. Colin and Cam both had a good time - one son was actually glad that we came out - the other was indifferent. It was a little bit hot, and Quincy and I both got a little sunburned on our heads and necks.

One and a half days left of school for the boys. One day each for Preston and Quincy. I am so glad! At this point, school is just a big old burden! I just mean from the point of getting ready in the morning, getting everyone a lunch packed for field trips, and trying to remember whatever else they need. There is no learning going on, it is all field trips, field days, classroom cleaning, and whatever else they can conjure up to keep kids occupied! My kids haven't been to bed one night at a decent time because of all the summer activities already going in the evenings.

Cam had his first official baseball game tonight. I didn't get to go because the other kids all had practices in locations that they couldn't walk to. Jim is of course the assistant coach, so he went. Cam's team lost by 1, but I heard it was a pretty good game. And so it begins.....

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