Saturday, May 29, 2010

3 Day Weekend!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! We are pretty excited to have a three day weekend! Quincy is totally stoked and has been jumping around all morning because the city pool opens today - she has been in search of all her pool stuff since very early! The other day, we drove by and the city maintenance man was working there - his kids were wading in the shallow end and Quincy saw them - she had a total meltdown because she thought the pool was open and I wasn't stopping! I hope that the water is not so icy cold that she won't enjoy it! Jim already took care of buying "her" pool pass this week!
Also on the agenda, we have finished painting the boy's old room and we are going to move Madison in. She did most of the painting herself, and didn't do too bad of a job. She used a lot more paint than I thought she should have, but then when I went to help her touch it up I realized why - the old room had been painted dark blue and it was really hard to cover. It looks pretty good. This particular shade of green is NOT one that I would have picked out, but she is really happy, so that is all that counts! It is called "picnic green" but a picnic is not what image it brings into my mind!
Colin and Cam are having friends over tonight and we want to get some other things accomplished, but right after that we are going to relax!

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