Thursday, June 3, 2010

tall tales and baseball

Colin's eye is much, much better today. There is still some swelling, but comparatively, I would say he is mostly cured. Antibiotics are good! When we went to the pool today I told him he couldn't get his head wet. This meant that he was in the shallower water with the younger kids. They were all asking him why his eye was swollen and why he wasn't swimming. He proceeded to tell them that he got bit on the eye by a rattle snake. His old 5th grade teacher grew very concerned and came right over to where I was to ask how it was that he was close enough to a rattler to get bit on the face. Nice huh?

Cam had a game tonight, for some reason I never took a photo of him before his first game like I did the other kids, so I tried to correct that this evening. He wasn't too thrilled with the idea I don't think. He played catcher the whole game tonight - he is good at this position. He had some incredible outs and some really great action! And he never once argued with the umpire! Even though they did not win, I think that his team is starting to learn to play together and that is a big step!

1 comment:

  1. Didn't argue with the ump? Are you SURE Cam was catching????
