Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pimp My Ride???

Jim had to use up some vacation days. Today was his last day "off" - he spent it shopping for Colin's birthday gifts because well, I have no idea what the things Colin asked for even were, and fixing the kids' bikes. It seems we have had a multitude of blow-outs, broken training wheels, and an assortment of other problems! This is the first time that Quincy has had her own "big" bike. She has had a tricycle and had to borrow Preston's bike until tonight. She was beyond excited! Preston got a bigger bike from our neighbor, but it didn't have training wheels, and he is very safety conscious and didn't want to even try riding it without. Jim got him hooked up so he can ride it as well. They both had fun buzzing around the driveway and terrorizing the neighborhood! He also put a new tire on the bike that Cam drug out of the neighbor's trash last week, and Cam was totally thrilled at the thought of getting a "new" mountain bike for the cost of a $13 tire! He is the king of trash for sure!
Also, you may notice an extreme amount of mud/dirt on our driveway - that is from the getting stuck episode that Jim did on Father's day. He can't take his car to the car wash to get the mud off, or the purple stripe will wash away!!

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