Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Cameron had a part in the 5th grade musical tonight. He was one of the judges in a trial, and the judges were the 3 Stooges. The Stooges were wearing robes - because they are judges - get it? He thought it was hilarious!
He has practiced, watched old Stooges movies, learned the finer art of nuk nuk nuk, and woob, woobing, and was super excited to present the musical tonight!

I have to say, as 5th grade musicals go, this was really good! And Cam was extremely animated, and all the practice he put in was very apparent!
We did have to come home and cut the rest of his hair tonight though. I took the kids to Mass at 7:00 am so that we would be free this evening for his performance. When I dropped him off at school, the secretary was going to write him up for having an "extreme haircut" she let it slide ONLY because it was for the musical...but she said he had to cut it and not come back to school with it like that on Thursday. I bet there are plenty of old men in the world who would take exception to it being called "extreme"!!!!

It was totally worth the haircut warning, to see my guy do such a great job!
This was overheard this evening -
Mallory: QUINCY! Don't say that, you are very inappropriate!
Quincy: Well YOU are very short!
Yea, she is going to take over the world!
Today was the first day in a very long time when my Harper girl seemed back to her happy, sweet self! She played, ate and was independent of my shoulder! It was absolutely wonderful! I had been very worried.
Also going on in our lives, my grandma Shirley is very ill. Cancer is winning the battle. She is not going to take any more treatments and I don't believe that she has a lot of time here with us left. I am sad for us, it will be a huge void in our lives. I don't want her to suffer, and I know that grandpa will be very happy to welcome her home.

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