Saturday, March 12, 2011

Devine Swine!

Preston and Quincy were most impressed that Willy Wildcat is a swine producer!
I took the kids (except for Colin) to Manhattan to KSU Swine Producer's day. Preston did a great job of filling in for Colin!
They had free donuts, so Quincy was most happy with them...but then they did not bring her out any baby piggies to pet, or any big pigs to play with, so she became unhappy!

I think that we all learned a lot! The one thing that perked up my ears was when the main speaker said when feeding show pigs, feed cost is no object - you simply feed them the best no matter what the cost. I understand what he was saying , but I guess there is still a part of me that screams "these are PIGS - for crying out loud!" Of course, he also went on to say that they should - if they are show pigs - ALWAYS be kept on cement floors with 6-8 inches of cedar shavings under them that is kept dry so they don't tear up their feet....and that for 30-45 minutes a day they should be walked in sand pits to develop their leg muscles, but the walking should be done in the early morning or the late evening because pigs should always be kept out of direct sunlight - especially the white ones. WOW! I was not sure if he was still talking about pigs at this point!!

Preston, Quincy and Harper got a little wiggly during the speaker's talk, so we had to go on a little walk around campus and then out for a little lunch - since I just could not see any of them eating pulled pork in Weber arena without it being a disaster!

The highlight of the trip was of course, a stop at Call Hall for ice cream! I always forget how good that dang ice cream is! I am glad I don't live closer! I also bought farm fresh eggs and cheese curds - love cheese curds - and so do my kiddos and husband!

We finished out our trip to Manhattan with a stop at the Konza Prairie overlook area. It is a really pretty view, but I couldn't help thinking it would be prettier in a few weeks when the grass is greener and the wild flowers are blooming!

While we were off living it up in Manhattan, Jim took Colin to sub-district wrestling. Colin placed 3rd. We have reached that time of the season where you have to place in the top 4 to continue wrestling, so he does qualify to move on to districts next weekend. He tried a couple of new moves today, and they did not work out so well! Jim and I are very proud of him for trying so hard to perfect all these moves and counter moves!

When we got home, the girls watched the little ones so that Jim and I could have what they called "date night" - I gotta work on Jim's idea of dating I guess...we went out to our land and burned the waterway and the ditch next to the road. We probably should have had better fire fighting equipment - as the fire got a little further out than we planned and we ended up having to stomp it out. I think I will be needing new chore shoes! The good news is that I won't be needing to shave my legs for quite some time!

Preston reported to me that Quincy and Harper do NOT know the proper use of a dump truck! Putting people in the back is dangerous! So true!

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