Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Funday

You know you have exhausted your kid when she falls asleep mid-cookie!
We had a good Sunday. It was the annual St. Patrick's dinner after mass. Jim, the girls and I all had jobs to do. There was an excellent turn out and I did not think the line would ever end! We had plenty of food, and it was pretty good eats t0o! While I was working, Mallory fed the little ones and the boys, and then they wanted to know if they could walk over to the park. That sounded like a wonderful plan to me, and so I sent them off. When they got back, I felt a little bit guilty however, since the temperature had apparently dropped and it had gotten very cold! Harper's little hands were frozen, and Quincy had worn a light jacket! One more example of kids not noticing that it is cold/hot outside! Quincy even told me that she 'was not that cold!'
After the dinner, my new nephew came visiting! He is such a doll and the girls were very happy that they were home when he was here this time! We all got a bunch of baby snuggle time! Harper was still not nice to him, and I joked with Sam that when he goes off to kindergarten and sees her in the halls he will probably start to cry! At least this time she didn't bite him!

And I have to take a moment to brag on my girls. I had to go into work today to finish stuff. I left a roast in the oven, but had not even thought about what to put with it. When I got home, the laundry was done and folded, there were vegetables and warm banana muffins to go with dinner, and the house cleaning that we had started, was finished. I really appreciate them!

Jim and Colin were out burning more this afternoon. They met our closest future new neighbor and I think that the neighbor is going to help with some of the burning....which is good, that way he is involved if we burn too close to his house! I am also glad that Jim chose to take Colin today, as my legs still feel 'sunburned' from yesterday's fire adventure!
It is now snowing - which to me is totally depressing - I saw the tulip and daffodils poking out of the ground - it is spring darn it!
Dear Winter - please pack your stuff and go back to the North Pole where you belong....we are done with you for the season.

And lastly, I can't help but say a couple of extra prayers tonight - one for my grandma who I am told is deteriorating rapidly. I don't like the idea of facing life without her, but I don't want her to be in pain.
The other is for the people of Japan...and I keep wondering about Shiori (our Japanese exchange student from a couple of years ago), and hoping that she and her family are doing ok. The devastation is overwhelming.

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