Friday, March 11, 2011

mmmmm applesauce!

Our little darling refuses to let me feed her! She MUST do it HERSELF!
So I can either cry or take photos right?
Luckily, applesauce washes right out of clothes!
We are gearing up for a fun weekend! I am taking all the kids except Colin to KSU Swine Day tomorrow.
Jim is taking Colin to sub-district wrestling.
Everyone is excited to get to go someplace - but Preston is hands down the most excited because he has been told that we can venture to Call Hall for ice cream while we are at KSU! He is so excited he can hardly stand it! Cameron is hoping to run into Frank Martin so that he can give him some pointers before the NCAA tournament starts!
Colin started track practice today. He is not sure what events he wants to try out for, but he is leaning toward some distance running. Of course, since it was the beginning of the season, I had to go to the obligatory parent meeting tonight. These meetings are one of my (many) pet peeves. I just don't understand why I have to have someone tell me that if my kid does drugs, or drinks, or misbehaves at a meet, they will kick him off the team. And if he is ineligible then he will not letter. These things seem like common sense to me, and I do not like to have to sit in a meeting for common sense! They also mentioned that the track uniforms should NOT be ironed. Yep, that was crucial information for me - considering I have no idea when the last time I used an iron even was - although I suspect it might have been 1984 when it was cool to starch/iron your shirt collar so it stood straight up.

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