Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Because sometimes I just like to play with the camera

and I have willing subjects!

 Well.....sort of willing!

 We ran out last night to feed Cameron's bees.  The kids were exceptionally happy to see that the pond is starting to fill back up.  We had been worried about the fish that we stocked in there a couple of springs ago!
 Jim and I are starting to realize that buying a house off the foreclosure market is just not a good idea.  Either the bank is involved and it is rather difficult to do, or there is something really wrong with the property, or the amount of work to get the property back into shape does not match with the price tag.  That being said, we are now back to square one.  We love the idea of building, except that building is a very timely, costly project.  We are now looking into building a barndominium.  The name is ridiculous, as really it is just a Morton building that you customize to fit your needs.  But if you were to try to find house plans, the best way is to google it like that!  Once we found out what to call it, the world really opened up with options!  Ha ha!  Our real estate agent is currently building one, and we walked through it last week.  I went from being a skeptic to a fan in a matter of minutes.  Plus, the price is a lot less.  We are now in the process of pricing everything out, and deciding what we want verses what we need.  It is more of a process than I thought it would be, as getting people to return phone calls seems to be a lost art!
 One evening of watching the kids run and play around the "farm" as they call it, and it makes me feel like we are doing the right thing.  The kids are so, so excited.  Quincy is squirmy with the idea that she will have a dog, and frogs in the back yard!

The year end high school music program was last week.  Madison is in the girl's choir this semester.  Both the big girls also played in the band of course.  The band sounded phenomenal!  The choir was pretty good too.  I did not get any good photos though.  Madison is in the back row, second from the right.

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