Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend

 It has been a pretty fun weekend around here.  Since the big girls actually both had a night off at the same time, we took advantage, and went to Kansas City.  We had a lot of fun at the Bass Pro Shop, and the boys were so excited to get to spend the gift card that they got for Christmas from Aunt Grace (finally).  We then went out to eat Chinese food.  The kids may have eaten the machine out of ice cream, and it was a special treat to have a moment to sit down with the whole family.  It seems like at meal time lately someone is always missing!
 Colin rescued a turtle off the road.  We let the kids keep him for a little bit, but have now turned him loose at our pond.  He was a nice little turtle and the kids had a fun time playing with him.  Quincy announced that even when you stick your fingers right in front of his mouth, he doesn't bite.  This may have been the prompting that we needed to let him go!

 Colin had a little minor car accident.  This is the neighbor's car.  He bumped her "just a tiny bit" sadly, what was really a minor bump will probably end up costing us several hundred dollars.....just guessing.  She was not pleased, and neither were we, and he definitely got talked to about defensive driving, but it is hard to really get mad at a kid when you have done similar stupid things.  Incidentally, he had this accident at the same corner that the van was totaled at, and interestingly, it is the corner in front of the rental house.  The sooner we can move, the better I am thinking!!  :)
 We spent a little time this evening fishing at the pond.  The kids had a lot of fun, but I had to bring a few home to get ready for bed.  Four more days of school.  Four more nights that we have to go to bed on time. Four more days we have to function well enough to get everyone out the door in the morning.  I think we can do it!

 I teased Jim and told him I was going to submit this extra big catch to the new's braggin' wall!  Wonder if they would put it on there?

I think it is more likely that Preston's catch would have a chance!

It was a nice weekend, and a wonderful Mother's day.  I love hanging out with my kiddos!  I am very blessed indeed!

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