Monday, May 27, 2013

My swim team

 As soon as Memorial Day Mass was over, all I heard was "is the pool going to open?"  "is it time yet?"  "can we go check to see if they are open?"  "when can we leave"  considering that I woke up to dark skies and a lot of morning rain, I have to admit I was more than happy to see the sun poking out by late morning.  I couldn't imagine the disappointment we would have had if they didn't get to swim.
 And by swim, I mean get in, wet your body, and then lay on the warm cement with your towel tightly wrapped around you because your body is shivering uncontrollably.
 And perhaps get in up to your toes and then get right back out again because it is way more fun to pick up sticks and leaves off the side of the pool!

 Two of these kids were nutty enough to actually get in the pool and stay in (one who is 6 even stayed longer than the rest of us because her friend's mother is nicer than I am).
 Saige got a new swimsuit.  She loved to drink her bottle and stick her finger in her belly button.  Now that she is mostly weaned, we notice that she still likes the belly button!  She walked all the way to the pool like this, stood on the very edge like this and then walked all the way home - all with her finger in her belly button!  I am thinking maybe a one piece suite is a good idea?
And for any person who questions why it is that I love ya go.  I love kids dropping into deep sleep from hours spent in the sunshine.  I am not sure why she was sleeping with Mallory's shoe though?

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