Friday, April 3, 2020


Friday is a day I always look forward to.  The promise of a weekend.  Stay at home orders haven't really changed that.  The kids have been busy with online school this week.  Getting everything set up, worked out, figured out and started was admittedly sort of time consuming and rough.  We made it though.  The kids have done great!  They have mostly been able to get their work done in the mornings when I am at work.  When I get home, we eat lunch and then we check over stuff, and if there are questions we figure that out.  The amount of time I spent answering email, doing zoom meetings with teachers, and figuring out how things work was a lot.  It didn't give us much time for doing fun activities.  I expect that to change, the learning curve should be better than the curve for coronavirus.  I did break out a kit I bought a long time ago, thinking I would use it for my RE kids, only to figure out when I got it home that it only made 2.  The girls shared well, and had fun making little kitties.  The weather has been pretty nice, and they have been able to spend a fair amount of time being outside. 
We were excited that Uncle Eric was released to go home from the hospital.  I had been worrying about him picking up germs at the hospital, so I felt relief.  The girls are going to help me make dinner which we will ding dong ditch on their front porch, and not visit like we would like to!  There are so many things about the current state of things that we are finding sad.  Not visiting my brother is hard.  Preston would have had his first track meet last night.  He would have been pole vaulting, which he loves.  Quincy would have had a track meet next week as well, and she decided to use my paint roller extender handle and set up a pole vault area in the yard.  I had to nix this activity.  We are trying to NOT be in the hospital here people!  

One bright spot in our day is having Evie!  She goes to my office, and then home with me for lunch.  Madison picks her up when she gets the school lunches served and cleaned up.  It gives the kids about 2 hours worth of sweet baby snuggles and entertainment.  She is feeling much better, and for that we are truly thankful.  

One thing that we did do as a family that we might not be proud of, was watching the netflix series The Tiger King.  If we were following a regular life schedule we would never have done it.  Honestly, it was interesting, and somewhat entertaining, but I would have never spent 7 hours watching it normally.  We did not watch it all in one night, but we did watch it every night this week!  We finished it and Preston is determined to find a new series we can watch next week!  A lot of my friends were watching it this week also, so it was fun to have something to text about that was not current affairs. 

This weekend, we are painting the basement hallway, repairing a wall in the basement bathroom, and possibly painting Quincy's bedroom if she can find  paint she likes in the stash in the basement.  We will not be going paint shopping, however she was wanting gray and I think we have enough to make that work.  I also have some blue that I took from Mallory when she was finished painting stripes in her bedroom.  It is only paint, if we do it and she hates it, we can always repaint later!  Finding projects is not hard, and I like having the time to get some stuff done!    Happy Weekend!  

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